12.17 (C93) Kajishima Onsen Omatsuri Zenjitsu no Yoru Tenchi Ban -- Bride Game

Started by جبريل 無道, March 03, 2018, 11:04:13 PM

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This helped clarify a lot for me

Her age, and birthplace is unknown, her appearance has been remodeled over and over and over again, she does not even remember what she looked like originally in the past,  She is a lunatic who's only goal and pleasure in life is to kill everyone. She has no obsession for money, but takes it anyways from her victims as visible proof of her kills and to rob the families of their inheritances, she records the process of her kills and keeps genetic records of the dead. Like seina, she she has a biased probability, but it only effects other people, not herself, she uses it to cause psychic pollution based pandemics that chain react from small events, they involve many people, induce fighting and result in death, she can infect people with her own will. However, she actually does very little work compared to the magnitude of damage her influence causes. That is part of the reason it was so difficult for anyone to catch her.
when she met seina she noticed he was different from her usual expected target, she got swept up in the chaos of Seina's probability bias and was saved by him, Widow who for a long time proudly felt no fear suddenly felt fear of her self and of all the deaths she had cause and was surprised most of all that she felt attraction towards seina. she fell in love with seina and knew she wanted to be by her side from that moment on but the only way for her to take care of him would be her own death, she let herself be caught by the GXP and told them seina was who caught her. This meant her death, but she did not hesitate. after her execution, her astral soul was used by Washu as the soul for Fuku the computer unit of the Kamidake, and her wish was fulfilled.
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■ Keyne Aqua ■
One of the heroines of "Photon".
In that world there was a thing called the "Aho Field Generator" wrapped in a huge barrier within a single galaxy. Everywhere in that barrier anyone can use "Aho" which resembles magic, and it should have been able to create an ideal world where poverty, hunger and even death could be overcome. However, the scientists who created "Aho field Generator" were betrayed by a man.
who believed that both were trying to create an ideal world. The man who monopolized the Aho field Generator became the king who dominates the galaxy, and only him and some privileged class men have dominated the access to high-ranking  aho territory.
To use Aho, one rotates a ring carved with an "Aho crest" like a spell and that accesses and reads Aho recorded in the galactic boundary furnace itself. In order to use advanced Aho, it is necessary to access the upper area, that only the privileged hierarchy can access. In addition, in order to gain access to the high-ranking region and to express its strength stably, you have to use the crystalline "Brain Crystals" as a booster. And the higher the range, the more Brain Crystal you need, and the more it will increase the power in the lower Aho range. But Brain Crystal are tremendously expensive, and so of course only the privileged hierarchy could afford them, and they are traded just like gold as an asset worthy item. Keyne is the granddaughter of the scientist who created "Aho field Generator", and the one who then monopolized Aho, stopping the original function of Aho field Generator

"to live in enjoyment with desire and to end the world that oppresses people, Or, to rewrite the function?"
He was looking for a planet with the core of the Aho field Generator that only Gene Aqua  knew |

The men of Keyne's world write patterns on their own foreheads, writing it on a womans forehead is how proposals are done, if Its a yes it becomes permanent and she can choose when it displays and if it's a no it disappears. 

Keyne got lost on the planet with the Aho field Generator and was asleep  when she was marked on the forehead by a boy named "Photon · Earth" while sleeping, and she misunderstood it as a proposal. By the way, in photon's culture there is no custom like Keyne's.  So it was frustrating as he did it as a joke on Keyne it was a child's mischief. Originally Keyne was reluctant to proposition, but decided to accept it at the end of there trip. The pattern on her forehead is a  shape that was written by Photon, its supposed to let you know who you are married with and who wrote the pattern. Incidentally, the written letter was "Baka". Of course Keen does not know what it  means.
After stopping the Aho field Generator reactor core with Photon and his childhood friend, "Aun · Freya" who he also marked on the forehead, the deserted planet gradually became green again and the world after 10,000 years is "Tenchi: War on Geminar".

This Keyne is the initial original character design, which is the very different from in the anime
The difference is huge.
The designs used here isn't the original. I don't remember where that went.... I guess it's a secret...
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■ D ■
One of the heroines of "DUAL!"
The world was divided into two with one chance event.
An Item from some ancient ruins were found by the father of the main character "Kazuki" at a construction site.
When the ruins are found, the construction was interrupted. Dimensions split. In one he threw it away with the rest of the earth and sand or he took it quietly and gave it to a professor as the local college. Once researchers knew that the remains of ruins from tens of thousands of years ago had been found. They dug it up and found in the remains of the ruins a giant spaceship filled with technology which became the seeds of conflict between nations. And then it was stolen by Rara. The huge spaceship was taken away but there remained a small ship made with the same technology. And in it was a girl and a large humanoid robot sleeping on the ship.
The girl 's body had deteriorated after many years. Therefore, in order to revive the girl who was the living witness of the ruins, they analyzed the technology of the ruins and the regeneration of her body was started with its advanced medical technology. However, the girl's consciousness would not return even if the body regenerated. Then, an unchanged artificial clone body was created. They tried fixing her Astral to the artificial body, in the form of an astral link, and tried to perform mental therapy on the body through an artificial body. However, an unexpected situation occurred, and the artificial body began to experience erosion from feedback by the Astral Sea. The first artificial organism "A" was completely eroded by the Astral Sea, then the "B" organism that was made next was only half eroded, the next "C" organism was less eroded Although it was still lost, the head was attacked and its function as a living body was lost. From the data, they concluded a how the Astral Sea eroded the body,
a method was devised to stably fix the astral in a place where the astral hall could be built from the beginning. As a result, the next one "D" had marked erosion on the left of her face, but she was a success. Although D's body was safe, and the astral link was established, D could not draw upon her memories or emotions. A brain scan found that the brain had nothing missing or damaged, they figured she would form a new personality over time.
They tried to draw out her memory from that personality. However, although it took several years get her used to the daily life necessary as a person, she could not experience like feelings or memories. She looked like a robot or a doll, but because she did not know her real name anything more, she was called by the code name "D" for her living body for the sake of convenience.
The man who escaped the ruins with the ship, Rara has started a slightly different fight to unify the world by being able to handle the power of the ruins freely. He divided the world into thousands of districts, decided the outcome of their ownership by winning a robot survival game with a few representatives over one area. Naturally, although many countries showed discomfort at the idea of it, the one robot sent out by Rara occupied the military base of a major power country and confronted them to show the fact that even nuclear weapons could not affect it. The resistance against him was lead by another researcher, Sanada who was left behind, his arming came from the small spaceship, the large robot that could not be moved at all, and from its technology they were able to make only three robots, overwhelmingly few compared to the difference in fighting power with Rara. Of course, all the governmental powers of the world could not help but accepting the battle proposal of Rara's,even if they could not outmatch his robots.
The fate of the world was entrusted to Sanada, but there were some problems in ruins weapons. One is that the computer unit called the core unit , used for moving the weapons could not be copied by any means. And for some reason the core unit reacts to women only somehow and can not be controlled by men. Finally, the reaction value of the core unit differs person to person. In other words,It is not always the case that the drafted soldier of high rank and skill is able to use it, if the reaction value is low, they will not even be able to move it right. As the performance difference in the robots on the Rara side was large, it was necessary to only train woman with a high proper value. Those with adequacy from all over the world were gathered, but of those only two people showed high reaction values- One was Mr. Sanada who came from a Parallel World and the other was the copy of the girl who was sleeping in the ruins, D. Thus D went on to fight as one of the pilots.
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■Neiju na melmas ■
She is capable of controling the collective concous in a certain direction,
politicians had her raised as a shrine maiden and used her to controle their people. she lived 500 years with her body development stoped.
As her body grows older, her power gets stronger and it becomes closer to brainwashing then just mear influence.
Seto recued her from her long rein as a figurehead of Melmas,
Seto used her to see if seina's ability to attract pirates was the same kind of power as her's. After that she decided to stay with seina, an washu unstunted her body's growth. Even without using her abilities she is good at using people.
She has no combat abilities, the yamada house she helps solve political negotiations like Amane.
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■ Ayeka Masaki Jurai ■
This is Ayeka's original hair style.her hair genetics were remodeled so she would resemble her father.
Of course her personality does not change just cause her hair changes.
Originally, Funaho was the catalyst to change hair to long and purple, the shift the focus from her mother misaki by making her look more like Funaho. But it had some implicit effects.Funaho and seto noticed that it made her come off more gentle and shy and it changed her interactions towards Misaki slightly. Of course it's not a big change but it's like changing clothes.
Ayeka can fight equally with Ryoko by being backed up by the power from her royal tree ship, so can her two guardians azaka and kamidake. Currently the Ayeka ship "Ryuou" is still in a state of germination so I she can't use it for backup as much as she would if it were a mature tree, and the two guardians have become forgotten about and overgrown.Although the fighting power of ayeka is considerably high, the only reason she can beat ryoko is that ryoko doesn't have her gems, and hasn't mastered her powers.

Despite seto's best efforts to teach her, ayeka's cooking talent is completely nonexistent. Of course she not terrible enough to make things completely inedible, but she can only cook from recipies and the taste is mediocre. But she is an expert at sewing,even royal seamstresses would have to admire her skill with a needle. In the Masaki family, all the clothes that sasami and Ryo-ohki wear are all sewn by Ayeka. Washu and Ryoko have enough clothes already and, Mihoshi and noike are sent from their homes. when sasami needs to use earth clothes, Rea buys them, but also she buys fabric for Ayeka etc. Ayeka is also in charge of repairing damaged clothes.
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I abridged this one pretty heavily not gonna lie,

■Tennyo Masaki■

Kiyone's oldest daughter,
She was 16 when the family told her they were aliens, she went up into space and lived with her grandmother Airi, since she looks just like her mother she scared many of the people who her mother used to tease at the academy, and those who knew of her death often weep upon seeing her, like Tenchi. Tennyo is over 60 years old and because of Tenchi was never told he had a sister. However when he was young She would often swap out with Kiyone and take care of tenchi. But when their mother died she became unable to see her brother until he freed ryoko from the shrine and learned of his own heritage. She tried to surprise him by showing up as his mother, but nobuyuki ruined the moment for her.

She works at the Galaxy academy for Airi in her production workshop. Thanks to having airi as a teacher, she is incredibly smart for her age. She is well rounded academically as one would expect from a philosopher, as far as her fighting skills go she is ok but knows nothing too flashy.

Hakuryo Masaki is her boyfriends, but it seems more like she keeps him as one would a dumb dog.

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Quoteshe keeps him as one would a dumb dog

Don't they all?...  :shepicide:
"Growing up leads to growing old and then to dying,and dying to me don't sound like all that much fun."

■ Minaho Masaki ■
Airi's eldest daughter, born on the planet Airai.
When "Widow's Disaster" occurred on Airai, she and Airi were taken into hiding by nuns and they were saved by the chief nun / Airi's aunt Keira Magma who with Seto's help got them off of Airai safely, but Yosho had gone missing in battle and thus the Royal Family was in a difficult position and couldn't take her in so she was given asylum at the galaxy academy. The brutal events that happened to Minaho at a young age caused her to become quite emotional hardened. Often times she was targeted by surviving Airaian Extremists. she tried to live a non conspicuous existence growing up in Airi's shadow. because of that she had no love life growing out and has had no luck in that field even after the extremist problem disappeared. She never strayed far from Airi's side until she was recognised as a royal family member and was given a position as seto's subordinate. Now her fame as seto's shield, has sadly become a big factor preventing her from being married.

She has shown much talent in her career which she clearly inherited from her parents While she prefers peace and quiet, her work environment provides little of it.

When she lived at the academy she worked as Airi's assistant and avoided other people for the most part. In many cases she she was the test dummy for many of her mother's experiments and was used to test many weapons, as such she is an expert in handling unwieldy weapons.

It was proven by one of Airi's test simulation that minaho is capable of even controlling a large military vehicle that should have been impossible to controle alone. It turns out a single minaho is all it takes to destroy an entire army, Seto praised her for it but she revealed to her that she felt suicidal after going on a rampage like that, so seto erased her memories of the simulation.
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I'm so glad these big walls of text translate almost perfectly with google.

■Reiya Second AKA Rea Masaki■
An artificial human being sent from another world, called "Geminar". In the world she was from, Geminar, existed a thing called "Aho" catalyzed by a colorless transparent odorless substance called "Ena" in the air. Ena can not be depleted no matter how much it is used, the energy generated from it is pollution-free, it exists everywhere in their world and it is an ideal energy source because it transmits through almost all materials. Aho use is similar to magic, It's generated by rotating various patterns engraved on a ring-like object, but  it's not as versatile as magic, it is "Aho". But still it provides the light and heat necessary for people to live, even allows for flight and use for healing of the human body is possible.
The energy supporting such dream technology has some drawbacks. First of all, Ena is dense and subject to gravity, it exists like a gaseous sea and as such it does not exist above a certain altitude, the boundary line is known as Ena's draft. when generating Aho It outputs a slight wave that can affect people. Of course there is no problems usually during normal use, but the higher the output is,the more one is likely to experience symptoms like motion sickness, sometimes it can cause loss of consciousness and if someone is exposed for a long time the waves can causes mental disorders.

Before Rea was born, battle by large robots called Sacred Mechalords was a popular form of amusement in this world. However, the waves emitted from the power reactors that moved Sacred Mechalords was so intense it would cause people to faint within a few minutes. By chance, foreigners who were summoned from parallel worlds to Geminar were found to have high tolerance to the waves, and many foreigners brought to Geminar. Of course it was not easy to summon up people from another world, it was only by chance that the conditions right for successful summoning were met, and they had to get young people who were suitable for fighting. The existence of a foreigners who could pilot for long times spurred business and escalated the splendor and decoration of Sacred Mechalords grew enormous. Needless to say, however, it was also necessary to increase the power of the power reactor to move Sacred Mechalords with increased weight, so the window of operable time became short even for foreign people who were highly tolerant, and there were none who were summoned who could continue for a long time And the pilot's  were all aging and retiring. Children born by marriage between foreigners and Geminar natives had close tolerance to foreigners, but their tolerance declined with every generation. And finally as a result, they decided to produce dedicated Androids. However, in order for them to pilot the same as a humans,  a long training period was necessary. It was Ideal to raise pilots from the time they were babies, to teach the the technique of fighting while receiving ordinary education, so they developed a way to eliminate that problem so that the androids born in the shape of an adult's would be able to fight as soon as possible, but this eventually lead to them getting corrupted  and going on rampages caused by command misinterpretations. "Battle! Destroy enemies! Show everyone you are the strongest!" The Sacred Mechalords pilots, grew unable to tell combatants from others and it became unresponsive to commands. Finally, due to the wave's power eventually they would exceeded the allowable exposure limit for an artificial human being, and panic and go crazy. Since Sacred Mechalords and pilot's technology were cutting edge at the time and always update to the latest technology, the panic phenomenon of the artificial humas occurred in a chain reaction simultaneously and many Sacred Mechalords went on a rampage. "Only Sacred Mechalords can defeat Sacred Mechalords" Sacred Mechalords, were introduced to defeat Sacred Mechalords who had runaway, they also failed to respond during full-scale battle, many of which were not held as games, Sacred Mechalords began destroying civilization, to them "everyone was an enemy." People chased by the machines using Aho could not expect to be safe anywhere Aho could be used so many escaped to the highlands outside of the draft of Ena, until there was only one remaining monster, the Holy Mechanoid called "Gaia" A titan of destruction, He proved to be the strongest of the Sacred Mechalords.
Rea was an artificial human being created to defeat the Gaia, to avoid her misinterpreting her commands she was grown  and raised from a baby, to grow mentally and physical like a human.
The technology to produces artificial humans was destroyed along with the civilization, most of the people from other worlds were involved in the battle, those who fought lost their lives, and they couldn't summon foreigners to their world for nearly a hundred years after that, which meant that only three people were able to challenge Gaia, but they couldn't win against Gaia with only three of the Androids. They had another plan the Androids were advanced living organism which were no different from a person and it was possible interbreed them with people, Then knew that hat there was a possibility of a child born of both an android and a parallel worlder  having high resistance to the wave which surpassed the artificial human beings.Although those who survived being summoned from foreign world were few, and all only arrived as old people" If  we can not call a person from another world from here, then is this Is not somehow possible to send someone from here to the other side? "
The thought was to send the 3 android to different worlds to give birth, and send back their children to geminar again. However, life in the highlands was harsh and unbearable for many people. It took a long time to acclimate and at the time things looked bad.  They wanted to rid the world of Gaia as soon as possible, so it was decided to send only one artificial person to the other world and have the other two fight Gaia. Rea was an artificial human ordered to fight Gaia, but she was interested in seeing another world, she secretly went to look at the transfer equipment, but the equipment activated by itself suddenly, and she was taken Tenchi's world. Rea who succeeded in successfully transferring to the other world safely, did not know anything about life in the other world or how to send people back to the original world. "I did a terrible thing" Rea thought but she was  Found by Kiyone Misaki. a person connected to a world that surpassed the scientific level of Geminar. Approximately thirty years after that encounter, Rea's son Kensho was secretly sent without preliminary explanation while sleeping to Geminar to defeat Gaia.
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I trimmed a lot of fat on this one, but nothing of value was lost.

■ Ringo Tatsuki ■

A princess from Jurai's Tatsuki Family. The Tatsuki family is known for being the most gentle and honest of the families, and the princesses of the Tatsuki's are known for being popular as Suiters.

Ringo is skilled at housekeeping and is kind and gentle and often smiling, but she is also known for being Seto's head accountant. and in matters of money she has been known to be so intensely viscous that it had made even Seto cry, but it it due to her innate sense of responsibility that she takes such matters so seriously.

While the rest of the Juraian family is prone to living long and having few children, the Tatsuki's have many children, and as such they have more people in power then any of the other families. Ringo has 8 brothers and sisters, and the Tatsuki family currently has over 200 members, and when you count in those who are married to them there are easily over 1000 people in their family living in the royal palace, it is however quite a spacious palace and barely any of it's space is used by all those people living in it.

But Ringo has to keep things confidential due to her job, and as such she mostly lives in the residential area of her tree ship.

Her Ship Honoka is only a 4th Generation ship, but she has had Washu alter her ship with an experimental living terminal interface that makes her ship equal in power to a 3rd generation one. Her tree was the first successful prototype in Washu's experiments to give the 4th generation trees a will of their own. Oddly Honoka has on occasion referred to Washu as "mother"
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■Ryoko Balta■

The grandaughter of the head of the Balta Guild which was thought to have been destroyed.

Although she is a pirate she is popular with the GP for her polite behavior and good looks, although she can't transform into just anything she has the ability to change into specific shapes and people like when she infultrated the academy and spied on them as Airi's secretary Erma.
She is very intellegent and was even able to help airi in some of her work as a philosopher, like amane she has excelent skills operating ships, what seperates her from amane and kiriko is that she has excelent information gathering and organizational skills, Erma is an expert at quickly analysing information, she has plenty of experience from leading a small fleet and her judgement as a commander is excelent. she is good at finding and exploiting enemy weakpoints. In combat she is a tad bit less skilled then amane and kiriko, but as erma she is both stronger and faster then normal.
She is the one who manages the household budgeting for the yamada family.
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Quote from: Fap_fapperson on March 08, 2018, 04:03:47 AM
Now her fame as seto's shield, has sadly become a big factor preventing her from being married.
Still mad she didn't join Tenchi's harem.

While looking at the images, I noticed that the women from Jurai are wearing bathing robes. The other women are wearing no clothes.  The bathing robe is strongly connected to any woman who has an association with Lady Seto.  The bathing robes are one to identifying the Jurain females.  I was looking for the female who was Ringo Tatsuki.  There are 2 candidates for Ringo.  By the bathing robe,   two unknown females are

1. Row 2- 2 page 6

2.  Row 9- 2

Which of the two unknown Jutain females is  Ringo Tatsuki? 

Quote from: takahata on March 08, 2018, 03:51:22 PM
While looking at the images, I noticed that the women from Jurai are wearing bathing robes. The other women are wearing no clothes.  The bathing robe is strongly connected to any woman who has an association with Lady Seto.  The bathing robes are one to identifying the Jurain females.  I was looking for the female who was Ringo Tatsuki.  There are 2 candidates for Ringo.  By the bathing robe,   two unknown females are

1. Row 2- 2 page 6

2.  Row 9- 2

Which of the two unknown Jutain females is  Ringo Tatsuki?

your absolutely right i noticed this too it is a really nice detail all the women from nations where its indecent to ne nude are covered.

ringo is the pink haired girl
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She and 3 of her friends came from the Renza Federation to the Galactic federation on a secret mission and became members of seto's hyena squad.
Seto seems to have known about their secret reason for coming over, but made them her subordinates anyways.
According to washu, Suiren and everyone else in her entourage of 4 is actually a princess of Renza or a closely related royal.
Suiren's bioenhancement is at 10, the highest level.
This is the highest level of bioenhancement, but it is rare to ever see someone enhanced this far, if you want strength using an artificial body or prosthetic limbs with an auxilery combat ai is a much more effecient way, however both are not convienent to do for various human rights and legal reasons.

Obviously if the assistive combat Ai gains sentience and an astral it gains human rights it would gain human rights of it's own. In those cases usual if the Ai which has an extremely limited function begins acting outside of that range it is deleted instantly without warning, of coarse if it has an astral they cant do that and have to widen its range of available actions.

on the other end of that there is a danger that when one is bioenhanced at level they could loose their connection between their astral and the astral sea, such a person would experience mental death, which would eventual extend to the body. unless treatment is done, the person will die  and the connection will never be restorable, even if the brain and physical functions are restored by mechanical assistance. The person without an astral's body is also considered to not have human rights.

Suiren's bioenhancement wasn't done for illegal activity purposes, but why it was done is currently unclear, however because of this suiren's shadow became thin, meaning she often times gave off no sense of being in a room with someone even when right next to them, at one point she was near critical, and her connection to the astral sea was thinning, but washu who was impatient when it came to trying to fix her meaninglessly high level of bioenhancement, decided to fix it by lowering her bioenhancement level, and Suiren has since been in the clear.

at level 10, her affinity with machines is high, and so is her anti-ship combat skills but they are still no match for Amane's.

Suiren's biggest problem though isn't bioenhancement, its her worship of Seto.
Seto has had a big influence on her, she even changed her hair to resemble her more. In the future she is very likely to become a shitty old hag just like seto, Many are worried for her.
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