C88 Omatsuri Zenjitsu no Yoru Seikishi Ban 15.08 (War on Geminar)

Started by جبريل 無道, September 30, 2015, 05:31:43 AM

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Quote今回にて『結婚』の解説は終わりです。当初の予定ではキャイア母と成人剣士の 五中し?とりとした感じ圧なる善でしたが、思い?きり記*デイ士にな2てと妻2た
のは、きっとダグマイア いです。聖機師世界の根幹である結婚の説明が終わ ったので、次は何をしようか思案中ですが、結構面倒なのしか残っていま 。聖地 についてとかメカニックな設定は、絵的な部分が大変なので時間がかかりそうですし o ー冊に一つのテーマでまとめずに、雑多な感じで作るのもアリかと思い ますし、『天地無用IF』に集中するのもいいのかと。あるいは『パラダイス・ウオー』 もいいかな? まあそれはその時になって考えるとしましよう。
さて、次は仕事の話ですが、DMMの天地ゲームの立ちキャラを計32点描きまし た。同人でしか描かなかったネタとか新デザインのコスチュームとかありますので、 興味と時間と金銭的余裕がありましたら見て下さい。
コミケスペシャルで発表した『天地無用・魅皇鬼』 四期ですが、この時点ではまだ 発表できるネタはありません。冬コミまでには何かお話しできるのではないかと思っ ていますが、今はご容赦を。ただ小説は天地の兼ね合いもあり、いつもより遅れます。 こちらは本当にすみません。十冊以上出しておいて言うのは何ですが、いまだに文章 書くのは慣れません。絵と違ってスケジュールを読むのが難しいです。何とかがんばり
ので、少しお待ち下さい。 橋葛莎醬

QuoteDescription of the "marriage" at this time is the end. It was felt pressure made good was Go-chu to? Take of Kyaia mother and adult swordsman in the original schedule, 2 it was hands and wife two such to think? Cut Symbol * Day mechanic
The will surely Dagumaia Ides. Since the description of marriage is the foundation of St. machine nurses world has Tsu Owa, but the next is being thought or trying to do, now it is left to only the quite troublesome. Toka mechanic set for the Holy Land, not together in one theme in pictorial part to it is likely to take a long time because it is very o over books, and then you think Arica is also made from a miscellaneous feeling, "Tenchi Muyo IF Do as good even to concentrate on. " Or "Paradise Uo" or also good Na? Well it is trying to island is considered to become at that time.
Well, next is a story of the work, it drew a standing character of heaven and earth game of DMM total of 32 points. Since there Toka Toka story of the new design costume that did not drawn only coterie, see if you have money to spare and the interest and time.
Comiket is "Tenchi Muyo-Misumeragioni" four quarters that was presented at the special, but there is no story that can be announced yet at this point. I think you might be able tell what until winter Komi, but now the pardon. But the novel is also the balance of heaven and earth, it will delay than usual. Here I'm really sorry. What is to say to keep out ten books or more, but it is not accustomed yet to write sentences. Unlike the picture it is it is difficult to read the schedule. Somehow my best
So, please wait a little.

So it seems MK made up to 32 images for DMM (we've seen 20 so far) and asks us to wait until the next Comiket for more OAV4 news.

I'm a miffed how long it took to scan this (going from 600dpi to 1200, will back down to 600 again next time I think, too long), so I someone can make a better "stiched" cover image, please do.  Mine has errors I don't feel like addressing right this minute.

Visit Tenchi's Girls Facebook Group for everyday pics and random info.  Tenchi's Girls Twitter too.

Photoshop always has trouble merging Kaji's covers. Slightly tweaked & leveled it, but still not perfect.


By the way, your leveling is off again. Had to adjust to something like 60/245 to get the deep black & bright white. Haven't toyed with the other pages, but they could at the very least use some background brightening.

Quote from: جبريل 無道 on September 30, 2015, 05:31:43 AM



Idk why my software had trouble this time, I wanted to chalk it up to the high dpi, but it did it at low dpi as well.
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