Yosho finished, Jurai and 3/4ths of gxp 1 revised

Started by Eff Efferson, January 23, 2017, 04:45:25 PM

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Ok so i went back over my summaries and realised what a cluster fuck they were. ive personally revised them all into past tense  removed the commentary and fixed the grammar and read back over it again after. so now it reads more like a book. hell i fixed jurai that book as it actually is written is a clusterfuck of footnotes shoved into the story that breaks the pacing.

the first chapter of gxp 2 is done but i haven't re read through it and chapter two is still unfixed. but i will get back to it in a while. I'm going to start with washu and i'll switch back to gxp 2 when I'm bored.

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Quote from: Fap_fapperson on January 23, 2017, 04:45:25 PM
the first chapter of gxp 2 is done but i haven't re read through it and chapter two is still unfixed. but i will get back to it in a while. I'm going to start with washu and i'll switch back to gxp 2 when I'm bored.

Blasphemous. You can never be bored of Washu's story ;)

Thank you for all your hard work!! I've loved reading everything that's been translated so far. We are so lucky to have such a dedicated fan like you!