Useless Tenchi

Anime => Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-ohki => Topic started by: جبريل 無道 on August 13, 2012, 03:19:47 AM

Title: Google Translate vs Bing Translate vs Babylon Translate
Post by: جبريل 無道 on August 13, 2012, 03:19:47 AM
Here's the afterword from Yosuke Kuroda in the 101.  I can't say that I looked at every little OCR error, but it's just for a quick and dirty comparison:

Quoteあとがき 黒田洋介

さて、私こと黒田洋介は、このオリジナル•ビデオアニメ『天地無用!魎皇鬼』で初め てシナリオライタ丨としてデビユ丨(?)させていただきました。

仕事を始めたのは『天地無用!スペシャル』(第7話)からで、それ以前の作品に関して は全くのノ丨タッチ状態です。仕事の依頼を受けたときから、かなり人気のある作品なの で正直緊張しましたが、八谷監督や梶島氏を始めとする多くのスタッフの協力により、第 2期シリIズのシナリオも、なんとかかんとか勤めさせていただいている次第です。



そして、もう一つは、キャラクタ丨設定を裏付ける世界設定の緻密さです。 ビデオ作品では、主にキャラクタ丨の魅力を前面に押し出して製作されていますが、セ リフやシチユエ丨ションなどの見えないところで、緻密な設定が息づいており、それに従 ってキャラクタ丨も言葉を喋っているのです。

私が仕事に入る前の段階で、まず、梶島さんより作品の細かな設定を聞かせていだだき ました。そのことにより、より天地ワ丨ルドを理解し、キヤラを把握することでシナリオ 上のセリフが決まっていったのです。

しかし、その世界設定の多くは画面にもセリフにも出る機会がありませんでした。 ですから、このような解説本があってもよいのではないか、と思い制作した次第です。 いや、必要だったと言ってもいいかも知れません。

この本で、ビデオやLDを持っているフアンの人たちが、作品をもう一度見返して、「な るほど、ここはこうなつていたのか......」


それでは、この本の制作に協力していただいた方へ、感謝のメッセ丨ジを送らせてくた だきます。

最初に、スト丨リ丨コンセプト•キヤラデザィン•総作画監督を担当されている梶島さ んへ。第2期シリIズの追い込みに入っているのに、快く質問(中にはふざけた質問もあ りましたが)に答えていただき、本当にありがとぅございました。未発表の絵も提供して いただいたおかげで、本の内容が120%充実しました。これからもお世話になると思い ますが、よろしくお願いします。

次に、八谷監督を初めとする『天地無用』第2期シリ丨ズに参加されるみなさまと、作 品の人気を決定付けた第1期シリ丨ズを担当された林宏樹監督以下のスタッフの方々、感 謝です。直接、お会いしている方は数えるほどしかいないのですが、心の奥底から感謝し ております。ありがとうございます。

それから、第1期シリ丨ズでシナリオを担当された長谷川菜穂子さん。一度、天地のイ ベント会場でお会いしただけなのですが、美人で聡明で、既婚でなければどうしようかと 思うほどの方でした。小説もがんばってください。(第3話の阿重霞のセリフ、「私、あな たのこと大嫌いなのよ」というシナリオには目から鱗が落ちるほど感動しました)

特に、シナリオ(この本もそうです)を読んで、改定点を指示および編集作業をしてく れたスタジオオルフエのメンバI、千葉、倉田、長井は、正にライトスタッフです。お手 伝いしてくれた爺さんフアンの長尾君にもスペシヤルサンクスです。

また、この本の企画•編集であり、『天地無用』の仕事を紹介してくれたオニ ロの井上氏、 35ミリフィルムや資料を嫌な顔一つせず用意してくれたパイオニアし00の森尻氏、絵コ ンテや原動画などを集めてくださったAICの長谷川プロデュ丨サ丨と制作の中村氏に南 氏、本当にありがとうございました。これからもよろしくお願いします。仕事ください。

そして、この本のフォ丨マット•デザインをしてくれたDARTSの神宮司氏、カット を快く引き受けてくれた阿重霞フアンの白虎氏、無理なレイアウト注文を

たマグラ丨デザィンの魎皇鬼フアンの三上さん、浜田さん、木村さん、後藤さん。 あ、もちろん、出版元のキネマ旬報の編集者の方々にも......。

最後に、ビデオシリ丨ズ作品でありながら、このよぅな本を出版させてしまぅほどの愛 情とパワ丨を持っている『天地無用!魎皇鬼』フアンの方々へ。 天よりも高く、地よりも深い感謝を......。

PS •第2期シリ丨ズも頑張ります。期待しててください。

PS2 •『天地』のパソコンゲ丨-5のシナリオもやりましたので、そちらもよろしく! PS3 . CDドラマのシナリオもやりましたのでそちらも......(いい加減にしろ!)。

Google Translate:
QuoteYosuke Kuroda Afterword
...... Fu~u. Tenchi Muyo "I finally finish writing! Shinsho dismantling Ryo-Ohki ".

Now, that I Yosuke Kuroda, Tenchi Muyo anime original video • This "! The first time in "Ryo-Ohki as scenario writer 丨 丨 Debiyu I was allowed (?)

I started work Tenchi Muyo! " Special "from (Episode 7), it is the state with respect to the earlier works of Roh 丨 touch at all. Although I was nervous honest from when it receives a job offer, it is because such popular works fairly, with the cooperation of many staff members, starting with Mr. Kajishima supervision and Hachiya, scenarios of serial I's second stage, cans somehow Please let me have it is up to or served.

It is thought, "Tenchi Muyo", is my opinion that it is a work that has two sides.

One is Kiyarakuta - attractive.

And another is the difference between the dense set of the world to support the character set 丨. In the video work, but has been manufactured extrusion in front the charm of 丨 character, mainly behind the scenes, such as application 丨 Shichiyue and dialogue, setting a dense and alive, the words also 丨 character What follow it I speak.

In the stage before I get into work, first, I was fired detailed settings that let you work from Mr. Kajishima. By that, words on the scenario I was determined by the field to understand the universe more 丨 Wa, to understand the Kiyara.

However, many of the settings that the world did not have a chance to get even lines on the screen. So, I think it is up to the production, is not it best even if there is such a handbook. Well, you might want to say that was necessary.

In this book, people have a LD Juan and video, once again facing the work, "such as Ru, here is what summer was like ..."

And, if I purchase decisions, meaning that this book is out there and Yo.

So, to those who have collaborated in the production of this book, it was sure fired 丨 message of thanks be sent to you page.

First, does the Kajishima to have been responsible for the concept and chief animation director Kiyaradeza~in • • re 丨 丨 strike. Even though I have entered the home stretch of the series's second stage, (under certain conditions, but in a playful questions) will answer, Thank To really question has willingly. Thanks to who also provided unpublished picture of the contents of the book was full 120%. Although I think the future will be to care, thank you.

Then, the following staff director Hiroki Hayashi's been responsible for the first stage was to be decided 丨 series and everyone will be attending, beginning with director Hachiya "Tenchi Muyo" series without 丨 second stage, the popularity of the work product people who are feeling Xie. Direct way, that I do not see you are only a few, we thank you from the depths of the heart. Thank you.

From it, Naoko Hasegawa's been responsible for the scenario in the figure 丨 series first stage. Was once more I think about, I only met you at the event of the heavens and the earth, intelligent and beautiful woman, and what to do if not married. Please do its best novels. ("Scenario I, No I hate that other" Oh dialogue, heavy haze of the third story of Ali was impressed enough that the scales fall from eyes)

In particular, members of the studio I read the Orff energy systems (such as this book) scenario, that was sure to point to the point revision and editing, Chiba and Kurata, long, exactly is a light staff. Speciation is also Thanksgiving Fuck you old man Juan Nagao me to hand along the tail.

In addition, the Pioneer 00 was kind enough to prepare one without an unpleasant face of Mr. Inoue Oniro introduced me to the work of "Tenchi Muyo", is planning • editing of this book, and materials 35 mm film Mr. Nakamura and production south to support 丨 丨 Purode~yu Mr. Hasegawa Morijiri of AIC who gathered, videos and storyboards and original, thank you very much. You are looking forward to hearing from you. Please work.

Then, the white tiger of the heavy haze Juan Ali was willingly takes care of DARTS Mr. Tsukasa Shrine did a mat • Design 丨 folder of this book, the cut, the order unreasonable layout

Mr. Mikami, Ryo-Ohki of Deza~in Juan 丨 Magra was, Mr. Hamada, Mr. Kimura, Mr. Goto. Oh, of course, also the editor of Kinema Junpo people of ... publisher.

Finally, the Tenchi Muyo "have a love of information and power 丨 about ~U striped 丨 Bideoshiri's work yet, you will be publishing a book this Yo! To people, "Juan Ryo-Ohki. Higher than heaven, deeper than the earth ...... thanks.

I will do my best series the second phase diagrams also 丨 PS •. Please have expected.

So also did the gain of the scenario of -5 丨 PC "heaven and earth" PS2 •, best regards in there! Also there ... (That's enough!), So I also did a scenario. CD drama PS3.

Bing Translate:
QuotePostScript: yōsuke Kuroda
...... Fuu. I finally finished writing the Tenchi muyo! All Royal demon demolition 真書 ".

Well, I can yōsuke Kuroda this original • video anime ' Tenchi muyo! Ryohki ', is at first as it シナリオライタ 丨 デビユ 丨 (? ) We have.

Started to work in Tenchi muyo! Special "(episode 7), for earlier work no-丨 touch State. A fairly popular pieces from the time received the task request in more staff to hachiya Director and Mr. 梶島 and honesty was tense, with stage 2 Siri is up to I customize scenarios also Abelian and has chosen to work.

This is a personal opinion, "Tenchi muyo" is d I think works with the plane of.

One of the characters — of charm.

And another one of the is the exactness of the supporting character 丨 setting global settings. Exact setting is lively pushing character 丨 appeal mainly in video art front is produced, such as serif and シチユエ 丨 Sean invisible at the character 丨 even speaking the word persistently.

Before I go to work and not let the fine setting of the works first, than 梶島's I thank I was. Due to its Tenchi WA is the serifs on the scenario was decided in 丨 fields to understand and grasp the キヤラ.

However, many global settings had no chance even screen and serif. Therefore, it is produced, thought no book like this explanation may have is, as soon as. No, was necessary and may say.

Juan people who have LD or video in this book facing the work again, "and here that this is so, as shall be was......"

If you think means this book is put out there say that u stuff.

So the purchaser were! sent Messe 丨 di gratitude towards who cooperated in the production of this book.

The first strike 丨 re 丨 concept • キヤラデザィン • animation supervisor is responsible to 梶島. Stage 2 Siri questions readily even in the home stretch of I (Oh also question the antics in the LD is) to thank answered, really is and u mat was. Thanks provided unpublished pictures, 120% of the content of the book has been further expanded. I think is taken care of from this, thank you.

"Tenchi muyo" second term, including hachiya Director Siri clinch the popular works and visitors 丨 needs to participate in stage 1 Siri is Hiroki coach following Woods was responsible for 丨 staff, thanks. Is direct, you're seeing is not only counting to thank from the bottom of my heart has it. Thank you so much.

The stage 1 Siri Hasegawa Nanako was responsible for scenario 丨 in her ear. Once Tenchi Lee is just a meet at the vent, the beauty was so intelligent and not married with what to do. Please do your best novels. (Episode 3-heavy haze serif, "me, you had hate it!" that impressed as the scales fall from the eyes scenario)

In particular, read the scenarios (this book so is), consider the revised points from the instructions and editing work was スタジオオルフエ member of I, Chiba, Kurata, Nagai is right stuff right. Help your grandfather gave me さんフアン Nagao-Kun is スペシヤルサンクス also.

Also this book project • arranged, without editing, introduced the work of the "Tenchi muyo" mini b usefully with 35 mm film and the article frowned upon one of the and a pioneer in 00 森尻 painting, Mr. Ko AIC who collected such as NT and driving images Hasegawa Brody 丨 SA 丨 and South said, thank Mr. Nakamura's production. Please from now. Please work.

And this Book Forum 丨 matte • DARTS did a design jinguji said, AKAN heavy haze took over the cuts willingly Juan White Tiger's impossible layout order.

3 San Juan's I Magra 丨 desin ryohki, Hamada-San, Kimura, goto. Oh, course, people of the editor of the Publisher kinema junpo.

Finally, with video Sri 丨 customization works, this it gets be publishing a book, have more fringe! love affection and biostimulation 丨 ' Tenchi muyo! Ryohki ' to the Juan. Higher than heaven and Earth deeper than thank you.

PS • stage 2 Siri 丨 to customize too. Should I expect.

PS2 • 'heaven and Earth' パソコンゲ 丨-5 scenarios also did so too please! PS3... So we had a CD drama there. (Give me a break! )。

Babylon Translate (could not get it to work on their site, had to use interface with 1000 character limit):
Quoteafterword Yousuke Kuroda
... ... file. "The heavens and the earth was finally 1946 useless! imperial demons with a true section.

Yousuke Kuroda, I, that this original video animation, • useless the heavens and the earth! Beginning with the scenario writer in harden as 丨 Devi oil 丨 (? ) we have.

started to work the heavens and the earth, useless! Special (7 story) from previous works, it's quite 丨 the touch. 

And, another one is a character set 丨 set in a world of evidence is fine. In the Video works of the main character 丨 has been pushing forward the appeal is made, the SE riffs and Shichi huet 丨 sight of such as the elaborate settings, it is therefore also 丨 talk like a character.

I'm at work, at the stage before the first Kaji Island acid works from the detailed settings is what it is.
As a result, from the heavens and the earth, to understand your field 丨 Yarra-scenarios in which to understand how the lines on the was decided.

However, many of the settings in the world on the screen even lines also have not had the opportunity. This is a good book that I want to work with. Or, you can say it was not might be.

In this book, the video and the LD Huang is the people again, looking back at the works, and this is enough; this ... "

and, if you give me the book, meaning that there are files.

So, to create this book I have to thank the fair to 丨 di sent to have.

First, the strike ri 丨 • Kiya de maipo 丨 concept • systems the total animation director is in charge of the island is to Kaji.
The second phase of the bottom corner I tiles are in comfort, to the question (in question was joking that have been in the answer file and it is. yet-to-be-published picture and provided, thanks to the contents of a book to 120 percent. We would be grateful