Useless Tenchi

Off Topic => Literacy works => Fan Fiction => Topic started by: Zigra on August 23, 2015, 04:40:50 AM

Title: High School DxD: The Shark Queen (NSFW parts)
Post by: Zigra on August 23, 2015, 04:40:50 AM
Siime reared both of his claws up. Streaks of like, like blades of energy, shot forth from his fingernails.
"Small man, your end approaches, but it is not yet. Take great care how you play. The final game now begins."
Z was a bit frightened at first, but then regained his confidence.
"Bring it on!" he told Siime, "I could use a new pair of boots!"
The two foes clashed, and the force of their blows caused ripples throughout the universe.....
Ophis awoke from her dream. No, not a dream, but a vision. Somehow, these clashing foes were connected to Ophis's ancient enemy and maybe even to the Great Red, yet she did not know how. She got up from her bed, walked to the window, and looked up at the night sky in puzzlement.

                                                                  * * *

Michael and his host of angels watched the heavens with intense trepidation. Yet another distant galaxy was being moved from its proper place in the cosmos. This, coupled with explosions and bursts of energy that suggested great battles by forces that were countless light years away.
Michael felt chills at the thought of what this could all mean. Before His death, the deity YHWH had given his angels a prophecy that spoke of forces that may destroy the universe. The Great Whore and the Red Dragon, he called them. Of course, when Michael took over YHWH's place, he tried to downplay much of this prophecy. While he couldn't erase it from the minds of the humans who were given visions of it, he managed to get those humans to rewrite it so that it seemed like the Christian God would triumph against these apocalyptic forces. It saved Heaven's human followers from going into a panic and losing their faith.
However, now Michael's own faith was slipping away. Now that he and the other angels were bearing witness to the power of these cosmic forces, he realized more and more that the angels would have little power to stop the oncoming armageddon. But, there was one individual whom they could perhaps rest their hopes on..... 

                                                               Chapter 1

"You're the worst." Koneko told Issei.
"But...but...I can't help it!" he cried.
The Occult Research Club, save for Asia and Irina (who were on a mission in Australia at the request of an old friend of Irina's), were sailing on a private yacht of Azazel's in the Pacific Ocean. They were currently all in bathing suits, ready to enjoy themselves a bit in the boat's pool. However, something caught their attention. Apparently, Issei was really excited over seeing the girls in bathing suits, as there was a massive bulge coming from the crotch in his shorts.
"My my." Akeno said with a pleasant smile.
"Very impressive." Xenovia said, pulling out a camera to take pictures, "Is that great mass the thing you make babies with?"
Rias simply buried her face in her palms in embarrassment.
"Come on now, guys, just how do you expect my body to react when I see a bunch of beautiful women that are nearly naked?" Issei pleaded with them. "And just what the hell are you staring at, Kiba!"
Azazel smiled in amusement at the unfolding scene. He was glad the group could have a bit of fun for a little bit, because they had quite a mission ahead of them.

                                                                * * *

The club members later gathered within the room that Azazel had designated as their meeting room. Rias was comforting Rosweisse, who was crying over the fact that she missed Issei's erection when she was off to get drinks for everyone. They all wondered why exactly Azazel had brought them all out into the middle of the Pacific Ocean.
"Now that we've had our fun, it's about time to get down to business." Azazel announced. "The reason we are all out in what seems like the middle of nowhere is because we are on a goodwill mission of sorts.
"You may have seen the news reports about a whole bunch of shark finning ships across the world getting wrecked. However, what the news media isn't telling the public is how these ships are being destroyed. Every single one of these ships was found with gigantic bite marks in their sides. Scientists determined that these bites came from a shark that is far more gigantic than any known shark. That is, any shark known to modern humans."
Rias took note of that last comment.
"But you know what it is, don't you?" she asked.
"The leaders in the underworld who have been overseeing this problem believe that they know. It is strongly suspected that the creature responsible is not an animal in the conventional sense, but a known deity. This deity would be the shark goddess Ka'ahupahau."
The club members looked around in confusion before Azazel continued on.
"I'm not surprised that you haven't heard of her. She's a deity that is somewhat obscure in the modern world. Ka'ahupahau is a goddess from the mythology of the native peoples of Hawaii. She was said to have once dwelled in the waters of Puʻuloa, the place now known as Pearl Harbor. More than just a goddess in shark form, Ka'a was believed to be the queen of all sharks in the ocean. She strived to make peace between sharks and the human world, and would protect her human followers from her more ravenous shark subjects.
"However, things eventually went bad in her relations with the human world. When outsiders began to colonize the Hawaiian islands and despoil the oceans surrounding it, it was said that Ka'a was so disgusted that she fled Pu'uloa for the outer sea, and no longer offered the humans of that region her protection. That is why she was nowhere to be found when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor.
"Now, it seems that Ka'a is taking more extreme measures. The powers in the underworld believe that, due to the systematic slaughter of sharks in the shark fin trade as well as shark culling programs, that Ka'a may have declared war on humanity. This is where we come in. We are to seek out Ka'a's new lair, wherever it may be, and try to negotiate a peaceful solution in this matter. If we can't...."
"We'll have to fight her, right?" Issei asked eagerly. Azazel sighed, not liking what he was going to say next.
"No. Quite the opposite, in fact. What I'm going to tell you all next is something you all are not going to like, but there is good reason for it. You see, if our negotiations fails, the underworld is ready to help Ka'a in her fight."
The whole group gasped. Issei let out a big "What the hell??!!" in his outrage. Azazel stood up, crossed his arms behind his back and looked out the window.
"You all have to understand, that in the eyes of the underworld powers and even some heavenly powers, the humans who are slaughtering the sharks are seen as the villains in this matter. Sharks are an important part of the ocean's ecosystem, and great havoc would happen in the ocean if they were wiped out. I know it's very hard for you to accept this, Issei, as you were once human, but sometimes human lives are not the most important thing in the scheme of nature and the universe. For what it's worth, I'm not happy about this, either, and I pray to whatever powers are listening that our negotiations succeed."
Before anybody could speak up to protest further, the boat was suddenly rocked by a violent something large hitting it at the side. The whole group found themselves thrown to the floor.
"What's going on?" Gasper cried.
"I think we were just hit by a huge wave!" Kiba answered.
After it was made sure that everybody was alright and they all got back to their senses, the group ran up to the top deck to find out what exactly happened. When they looked around outside, they could see that the ocean was still churning. It was as if something large had crashed into the water, though they could not figure out what. Then, Gasper saw it.
"Look! Over there!" he shouted. "There's a man floating in the water!"
Sure enough, they all saw the man floating face down not far from the boat.
"Hurry up and bring him aboard before he drowns!" Rias ordered the others.

                                                     * * *

The group placed the unconscious man in a bed that was normally reserved for Gasper (who was secretly thrilled because this might mean he gets to sleep in Issei's bed that night). The man looked fairly young, probably not much older than Issei and Kiba. His face was almost girlishly good looking, but this was offset by his punkish spiky hair which was dark green in color.
"Looks like he's waking up." Kiba noted as the man's eyelids began to twitch and slowly open.
As the man regained consciousness, he looked around the room with a confused look on his face, but said nothing. Rias sat close to him on the bed and looked down at him with a warm smile.
"You're safe now." she said. "Now, can you tell us who you are and what happened to you?"
The man looked at her blankly for a moment before responding. "I....don't know. I can't remember anything!"
The group looked at each other with growing concern.
"You can't even tell us who you are?" Azazel asked.
"No! I don't remember at all!" the man cried.
"In any case, we will take care of you for now, whoever you may be." Azazel said. He then motioned for the others to step outside the room.

                                                           * * *

"So, what do you think?" Rias asked Azazel, noting the fallen angel's look of suspicion.
"I don't know. Whether he can remember anything or not, he's still clearly not human, though I can't detect any sort of aura around him. It would have taken something of tremendous force and power to create the wave that hit the boat. For now, we just need to keep an eye on him."

                                                           * * *

After the others had left him alone in his bed, the mystery man grinned with satisfaction.
"Good job." came a voice from the far corner of the room. "I think they kinda-sorta believed your story."
The man looked up to a small form floating in midair. The form appeared as a tiny girl wearing a lavish red dress and an unusual crown upon her head. Her skin was light, her hair brown, and she had strange purple and black eyes. The man immediately recognized the chibi form of his mistress, Lady Tokimi.
"Indeed. I'm pretty awesome like that." Z replied.

                                                             * * *

Slowly, Siime regained consciousness. At first, he had no idea where he was, other than he was apparently lying on concrete somewhere. He soon realized that he also had a massive headache. He slowly sat up and rubbed his temples. Little did he know that he was being watched. 
"You! What are you doing trespassing in this school!?" shouted a dark-haired girl with light brown skin, wearing a yellow and black striped top with matching knee-high socks. The girl carried a large Kanabo which she held high ready to strike.
"I repeat again, why have you trespassed on school grounds?!" Beni Kinojou yelled again. But, no matter how hard she yelled, all Siime paid attention to at that moment was his splitting headache.
"I'll warn you one more time- leave the grounds, or I will strike!" she declared. When Siime continued to ignore her, her face grew red with fury. "Very well, then! YAAAA!!!"
Beni swung her Kanabo at Siime. Her weapon struck true. And it didn't work. At the moment of impact, the Kanabo shattered. One of the larger pieces flung backwards towards Beni. It shot right into the top of her head, piercing her skull and impaling her through the brain. Her lifeless body fell to the ground as a fountain of blood ran from the small wound in her head. Still, Siime continued rubbing his temples, unfazed and unaware of what just happened.
As Siime finally got to his senses and stood up, he became aware of others nearby. He had no way of knowing that these were the friends of the girl lying dead next to him, Momo, Rui, Touri, Hana, and Hachiko.
"Oh, God, Beni!" Momo cried.
"Foul beast!" Hachiko screamed. "I'll make you pay for that!".
Hachiko raised her bokken to attack. It was the last mistake she would ever make.

Title: Re: High School DxD: The Shark Queen (NSFW parts)
Post by: Zigra on September 22, 2015, 10:05:59 AM
Chapter 2

"My my my, that Siime guy really gave you a serious pounding, didn't he?" chibi-Tokimi said to Z, causing a vein in Z's head to throb in annoyance. "I mean, it was really sad the way you let him spank you like that."
"Yeah yeah, can we change the subject please?" Z responded. "I have a feeling you're here for some other reason than to just be a little pest."
"You can call me a pest all you want, but I'm the only woman you've ever gotten any action with!" Tokimi chided him. "Anyway, yes, there is another reason why I'm here. It's rather serendipitous that you landed where you did, because the people that rescued you are seeking an individual of great interest to me." Tokimi held up her hand and a holographic image manifested in it, showing a great pearl that Z could somehow sense contained great power.
"This is the Pearl of Nohona. It is one of a number of artifacts fashioned into existence by my sister, Tsunami, and her late wife, the Snake Mother. After the Snake Mother's....unfortunate...passing, Tsunami left the Dimensional Gap which we called home and wandered the lower multiverse in a sort of exile. During her wanderings, Tsunami bestowed certain friends and lovers with gifts as a token of the bond she formed with them. The Pearl of Nohona is one such gift she gave away.
"According to my research the Pearl was given away to a minor shark goddess worshiped on this very planet named Ka'ahupahau. It just so happens that the group of people who rescued you are searching for Ka'ahupahau."
"So, what does this have to do with us?" Z asked impatiently.
"You see, the items that Tsunami gave away as gifts, including the Pearl, aren't just minuscule tokens of friendship. They contain within them the very essence of life that Tsunami and the Snake Mother used to create the multiverse. It is a power that me and my other sister, Washu, never quite grasped. It is a power, that, if we could attain it, could shift the balance in our war against the Great Red Dragon to our favor.
"So, now that you've managed to worm your way into this group, I want you to help them seek out Ka'ahupahau. Then, when you find the shark goddess, I want you to acquire the Pearl from her. Peacefully if you can. By force, if you must."
"Alright, I'm game." Z replied. "I got some plans of my own for this group, for one member in particular."
"The redhead? Rias? I noticed you had your eye on her." Tokimi said, to which Z nodded in confirmation. "You might me out of luck, there, Z. I think she may already be in a relationship with that Issei guy."
"That's okay." Z said with an evil grin. " You know that I'm a huge fan of netorare...."

                                                              * * *

While Tokimi and Z had their discussion, the Occult Research Club were drawn to other concerns. Shortly after rescuing the mystery man, a messenger from the underworld appeared aboard the ship, bearing ill news. Another attack upon a finning boat, apparently by the same creature that destroyed the previous ships.
"So, what do we do now?" Issei demanded to know.
"Well, as tragic as this event is, there is a bit of an opportunity here." Azazel answered. "Since we now have a good idea of Ka'a's whereabouts, we know where to begin our search. Plus, maybe we can investigate the wreckage further for clues of our own. We'll set a course there immediately."
"And I'll go check on our mystery man. Perhaps he'll get his memory back soon" Rias said. As Issei watched her go, he felt extremely uneasy. Something about this new guy was bothering him, and for some reason it bothered him to think of that guy getting near Rias.

                                                              * * *

Rias walked in to find the mystery man with his eyes closed, apparently sleeping. She sat down on the side of the bed, and the man's eyes opened, almost as if on cue.
"How are you doing?" Rias asked warmly.
"I....I..I'm beginning to remember things." he answered.
"Oh? What can you tell me?" Rias inquired, feeling a sudden eagerness.
"It's....still....rather vague. More like flashes. I see myself as a servant of some sort. I serve this woman. She's important somehow. Like a queen, or....maybe....a goddess? I also remember her being able to transform into an shark?"
Rias's eyes widened.
"Whoever she is, I know I have to find her!" the man declared. "Can you help me?"
"Y...yes. Yes. We will certainly do all we can to help you find this woman." Rias assured him. As she was about to get up to leave, she felt his hand touch her's.
"I'm glad." he told her. "And I'm especially glad to have met you."
In that instant, Rias glanced at the man's eyes. She felt a sudden urge. The urge to move in further into the bed. The urge to be closer to this man. Just when it seemed like she would give in, she shook her head and snapped out of it.
"Ah, well, I need to go talk to the others, and tell them what you have told me. For now, you need to rest." she said.
As she hurried out of the room, Z snickered to himself. Though Rias resisted him better than he anticipated, he knew that in the long run even a demon such as herself couldn't resist the hypnotic gaze of a being of his caliber. It was only a matter of time before she gave in. And he wondered if, when that happened, he should make that Issei guy watch.

                                                                  * * *

Siime whistled a pleasant tune. He was feeling pretty good about himself right now. This, despite having to deal with a few pests a short time back. When that silver-haired girl tried to attack him with that bokken, it required little effort to vaporize her with a gravity beam. Presuming they intended to attack as well, he did the same with all of her friends, save for that pink-haired girl, Momo. He found her far too fuckable to kill (though the sex would have been a lot better if she would just stop crying).
But, now that he had his fun, there were other matters to attend to. Namely, whooping Z's ass some more. Siime followed Z's mammalian stink around the multiverse some more, until he finally traced it to its source. He discovered that it was right back in that universe where he had met that Tenchi kid and his girlfriends.....

                                                                  * * *

The Occult Research Club's boat finally arrived at the sight of the finning ship's wreckage. It was currently beached on a seashore on an island near Hawaii.Thanks to some strings pulled by Rias's brother, the group was allowed to investigate the wreckage before the proper authorities would.
Along the way, Rias had told the others about what the mystery man had said to her. There was something else to it, though. The others, especially Issei and Akeno, could tell that something troubled Rias very deeply, but Rias wouldn't say what. Her silence only made the others more concerned.
As they looked over the remains of the ship, Azazel noted how Kiba was lost in thought, as if he was coming to some sort of realization. "Something bothering, you, Kiba?"
"Yes, actually. During our time traveling to this spot, I did some research on this shark goddess. Something doesn't add up, here. Such extreme methods are not her style. She's far more passive. If she's angry or displeased with the actions of humans, it's she's more likely to do something like put a curse on them that will make their actions fail, or simply refuse to protect them from her shark subjects. Directly attacking people outright doesn't seem like her thing."
"Perhaps the mass slaughter of sharks has caused her to use more extreme methods?" Xenovia suggested.
The others considered her words. "Well, let's have a look at the wreck before we make any further conjecture." Azazel said.
They did as Azazel said. As they looked through the remains of the ship, they tried not to let their emotions overtake them as they saw the dead bodies littered throughout it, crew members who could not make it out before the ship sunk They paid special attention to the gigantic bite marks on the ship's side. Eventually, Gasper came upon something.
"Hey, everybody, look!". They all gathered around to see what Gasper had found. A gigantic shark's tooth. Azazel reached down to pick it up. As soon as he did, a look of bafflement was etched upon his face.
"What's wrong?" Rias asked.
"This tooth. It's.....metal."

                                                             * * *

Western Australia Premier, Colin Barnett, sat in his office. The man he was waiting for walked in.
"So, how is the project holding up?"
"So far, so good. We haven't had any more problems with the weapon in the latest run." The man spoke of troubles that had befallen their secret weapon since it was constructed. It seemed like a long string of bad luck kept hitting the weapon whenever they tried to use it. Various malfunctions that nearly threatened to shut the whole project down. However, its latest run seemed to go off without a hitch.
"There was only one minor problem that we could find." the man went on.
"Yes, a tiny....piece...of the weapon broke off in its latest run. Thankfully, it was nothing important, and it is still functional and ready for its next mission."
"Very well. You may leave."
As the man walked out, the Premier mused at the events unfolding. Soon, he thought, a great blight will be erased from the planet. All the pieces were coming into place.