Ayeka didn't always have that bowl cut hair style @.@

Started by جبريل 無道, April 16, 2013, 05:39:04 AM

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O.OMG!!! Something I never noticed until now<.< AYEKA DIDN'T ALWAYS HAVE BOWL CUT HAIR BUT HAIR EXACTLY CUT LIKE TSUNAMI ONCE!!!! NO, I'm NOT talking about blue haired Ayeka, but rather in the flashback in episode 9 where Sasami is following her in her in the field!!!! I never noticed it until now:O

And that was not a mistake, she's shows seconds laters in the present with her 'normal' haircut.

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So Ayeka has at least 3 evolutions of hair, from blue to that to her present day cut.  Just like Mihoshi must have gotten her ribbon sometime.  How did I miss this all these years?  MK you sly bastard!!!!!!!
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I really wish Aeka had kept that Tsunami-esque hairstyle. The bowl cut always struck me as odd.

I think it's distinctive.  It's not really too different from her old hair style.  Just cut the outermost layer of the ponytails to the appropriate length and it will be her bowl cut.  I think Minaho has it too.
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