Useless Tenchi

Anime => Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-ohki => Topic started by: Y_Anthony_Who on February 28, 2017, 03:35:32 PM

Title: Z and the PGPCC
Post by: Y_Anthony_Who on February 28, 2017, 03:35:32 PM
On reviewing long-held theories...

Do we all agree Z was a member of the Pre-Great Prehistoric Civilization Civilization? Fap's new translation of Goodbye 21st Century got me thinking about it again. I always thought the boy with B3 looks a lot like Z on purpose. I'm not saying they're the same person, but I think they're at least the same race. Oh, but how crazy would it be if they were originally supposed to be!?

I wondered if Z and his peeps were attacking the facility where Washu was kept... probably. Well, maybe not, but some similar stuff was described:

"By the way, it was possible to physically reach washu while she was like this but it was a bit life threatening to do so. Her body had various defense mechanisms that often ended up killing those who tried and if she was disturbed often would wake up and if she woke up she tended to retaliate so it was a good idea to just look at her and appreciate the view instead of messing with her, but sometimes she also would wake up if someone nearby emanated strange energy so it was also dangerous just to look at her really."

But it was Tokimi instead... so was it the entrance to the dimensional summit, as long thought? Did we ever see a close up of an entrance? I know we didn't when Z went there at the beginning of OVA 3, but I haven't watched season 2 in a bit...

This bit, copy/pasted from Fap's translation:

"His intention of presenting the washu clone story was to help make OVA3* and the washu novel  more comprehensible but he wanted to present other issues in the OVA and feels though that if he does everything as he originally planned then the story might become really incomprehensible.His intention of presenting the washu clone story was to help make OVA3* and the washu novel  more comprehensible but he wanted to present other issues in the OVA and feels though that if he does everything as he originally planned then the story might become really incomprehensible."

Was this bit still relevant after all? There are so many ways fanfiction and headcanon could take this. Were Z's people really trying to attack Tokimi for her meddling with nature, or was it an extension of the ancient inter-galactic wars, starting with the bioroids, and was the strange orb they were after really the planet-sized facility holding the original Washu?

I don't know... I'm starting to think the old idea was closer to the truth... Z is described as a "victim of Tokimi" in an old interview with Kajishima. He never mentions Washu when talking of Z...

Does anyone think there might be something different or more to Z than we thought? Do we all agree he was from the Pre-Great Pehistoric Civilization Civilization, or could he be younger than that? And do we all agree Kenshi is the reincarnation of Z? Was the bioroid story still relevant to OVA3's story? Any thoughts or theories?

Title: Re: Z and the PGPCC
Post by: shades of blue on February 28, 2017, 05:59:11 PM
I believe the victim part was in reference to Tokimi using him as her servant, after she unveiled herself and not the actual conflict leading up to his awakening. Much like we could say Azusa, Utsutsumi & even Seina are victims of Seto. That said, according to the novels there have been at least 28 encounters of the choushin, so it'd be hard to say definitively which one was Z's timeline.

Quote from: Shin-Tenchi Muyo! Yosho"......Ah!!"Airi kneeled before the tree letting out a cry of admiration.
"Please answer me, what kind of a being are you?"
"are you ok airi?" yosho asked surprised with her questions.
"Is your creator,Tsunami, one of the three goddesses?"she said as she ignored yosho. she acted as if she was asking God itself, Airi looked up at Funaho with her hands on her chest.  It looked like she was a drawing of the advent of creation.
All of a sudden, the light rhythm disappeared, silence wraped around her. it was as if that was Funaho's answer to Airi's question.
"... .... Funaho, Funaho sama! Please, please answer me!"
"Airi, Airi !!"
Yosho cuddled her close to him to keep her from reaching for the tree.
"Airi  stop!!"
"... .... Yosho ... you ... I ... ...."
she shrugged her shoulders down, and collapsed.
Yosho Picked up airi and sat on the bench next to the unit, which was actually a device for cultivating trees. Airi, who hadn't been able to control her excitement was upset, she breathed heavily on his shoulder.
"Are you okay?"
"Yes, sorry ... I'm sorry, ... ..."
"What did you ask Funaho about? If you do not mind telling me ..."
Airi didn't open her mouth To answer Yosho's question .
"... I want to find God,"
After the silence, Airi slowly started talking. This was also a confession to Yosho for her.
"Yes, preferably the three goddesses."
" what are the three goddesses?"
"Well, maybe I should say Hi Dimensional Beings ... ... they are often referred to as Gods. even by societies as advanced as ours.
"is this what your Religion is about"
"Yes, yes. Hi Dimensional Beings have confirmed before, but they rarely show their existence in front of a human being there have only been 28 examples of encounters, but among the high order intelligent being with extraordinary power, it seems might be three goddesses that have extraordinary power and unique abilities that surpass them all."
"It seems?"
"Yes, when you collect descriptions from prehistoric civilizations,  it starts to line up, it seems they can be all be classified into three types"
"that is a slightly ambiguous way to put it, is there not enough data to be sure?"
"No, there aren't any other encounters of high-level intelligence as far as I can tell,
"Well ...Is there any data to back that up?"
  "There is data but we can't comprehend it."
"Can't comprehend it?"
"Yes, We can perceive them we can see them but the data makes no sense. they exist, but they can't exist. but they exist."
"... ....  like the Light Hawk Wings?"
Airi nodded silently. Light Hawk Wings didn't emit any energy measurable, but actually existed as "light". She wanted to say that the wings of light that trees could generate were just an expression of three goddesses.
"That's right. My great-grandfather spread the teaching of Airai through the galaxy and made it the largest religion. But to maintain a huge domain, it was necessary to have a powerful idol to worship. They first looked for it in the blood. They made a hero of my grandfather and my father, Who inherited his father's charisma. But you see, faction began to form inside the religion and then it started to get difficult to keep this system. They tried to my great-grandfather a saint and create a new god, but this was possible only if there is an absolute god. That is why they have been seeking an absolute idol, an explicit god. They want the Jurain's goddess, Tsunami."
It was a shocking confession.
"You don't have any believers of Airai in Jurai," said Airi. "But that's natural. You have a real god in Jurai. That's why the conference tried its mission to Jurai and thought to make Tsunami the god of Airai.'
"You too, Airi-dono?"
"When I was in Airai, I did think so. Tsunami was the god of Airai and Jurai was keeping her only for themselves."

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Title: Re: Z and the PGPCC
Post by: Eff Efferson on March 01, 2017, 01:58:55 AM
 :huh: oo nice catch thats definantly the same boy i  thay doujin and those are shillohuetres kajishima usualy only uses those when he has a plan for a series like dual and aggaruter check those doujins and u will see he did that same. i always thought z gets sent back to his planet to reincarnate also i just assumed kanamitsu was the planet washu was sealed in...
Title: Re: Z and the PGPCC
Post by: shades of blue on March 01, 2017, 09:37:09 AM
Now that I think of it, prototype Kenshi looks a lot like the boy in that bioroid story. He even has the same eyebrows.

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Title: Re: Z and the PGPCC
Post by: Y_Anthony_Who on March 01, 2017, 05:01:21 PM
The boy with the silhouettes is prototype Kenshi with the prototype InSM cast that Shades posted a picture of.

Kenshi resembles Z, which is part of the reason I and others thought he was his reincarnation. Z resembles the boy, which is part of the reason I and others thought he was from the PGPCC.

You think Kanamitsu may have been a secret Dyson Sphere with a giant Washu in it? I hadn't considered that possibility. It's likely... but it's in Juraian space, whereas most of the old ruins are in Airai.

If the orb Z was after was the Washu facility, the only evidence is from Goodbye 21st Century, and its a bit flimsy. I'm not committed to this theory, but it could make things tie together better for me, and would hint at the importance of the as-yet-unfinished bioroid story MK suggested.

Also, Z got sent to his planet to live again with his family, not reincarnate. The Choushin rewound time to that point and made sure things repeated with minimal change to protect the possibility of Tenchi.
Title: Re: Z and the PGPCC
Post by: Eff Efferson on March 01, 2017, 05:24:43 PM
dont forget that its said in isekai that he might have been sent back in time aswell. i always wondered if geminar was a pre great hisitoric civilization. they didnt even have space travel. and your right on the airai thing.. hhmmm... it would make alot of sense. but yeah ill try and get some answers.
Title: Re: Z and the PGPCC
Post by: Y_Anthony_Who on March 01, 2017, 05:53:49 PM
Fap Fapperson: Tenchi Detective. You're supposed to be on break! Not that I'm complaining.

I recently watched Isekai twice in a row(2 different groups of friends), they seemed to make it clear to me that he specifically wasn't from the future, and Geminar was a different universe, so I doubt it was a PGPCC. That's how I remember it, anyway. However, Geminar and Photon are pretty effing mysterious to me right now!


Title: Re: Z and the PGPCC
Post by: Eff Efferson on March 01, 2017, 08:11:59 PM
Quote from: Y_Anthony_Who on March 01, 2017, 05:53:49 PM
Fap Fapperson: Tenchi Detective. You're supposed to be on break! Not that I'm complaining.

I recently watched Isekai twice in a row(2 different groups of friends), they seemed to make it clear to me that he specifically wasn't from the future, and Geminar was a different universe, so I doubt it was a PGPCC. That's how I remember it, anyway. However, Geminar and Photon are pretty effing mysterious to me right now!

but in tenchi the other dimentions get bigger in size as they go up right. so if it was another dimention wouldnt kenji be huge. also kenji has bioenhancement he will stay young for thousands of years... so it could be him if he was sent into the past. but yeah its a mystery the whole thing got me filled with theorys maybe its the univese washu made in a bottle who the fuck knows the tenchi verse has such odd rules
Title: Re: Z and the PGPCC
Post by: Y_Anthony_Who on March 02, 2017, 12:12:20 AM
Universes and dimensions are not the same thing, and the choushin created infinite universes.

Also, all of the Dimensional Supervisor's were the same size, although I'm not sure size matters in higher dimensions, I think it's more of an art/human perception thing. How does one convey the unfathomable? Beings larger in ways beyond the physical? I guess you just draw really big people. That's my opinion on the size issue anyways.

I just re-watched episode 19. The not-at-all-mysterious orb is definitely the dimensional summit, as previously known. I should re-watch relevant episodes before wasting strength with easily disproved theories. I'm a dummy. -_-

Yet still, the mysteries remain...

Haha! If Geminar was in that fucking box the whole time... haha...

...but... there might be enough time between Washu making it and Rea appearing before Kiyone for the war with Gaia to be ancient history... haha... Although my money's on it being more related to Tokimi in some way, what with the Holy Land being made in her image or whatnot. But I have no idea.

Title: Re: Z and the PGPCC
Post by: Eff Efferson on March 02, 2017, 01:34:00 PM
i did a preliminary goggle translation of that page with d and the proto isekai cast. i really want to go back and translate these early doujins that arent about tenchi i feel like they may have alot of things we want to know but didnt know to look for

The lady on the front page of the front page is the prototype body of D, although it must have been obvious. From the right are the development code names "B", "A", "C", and "D". As a result of forcibly fixing the astral body to the body, the subspaces that fix the astral erode the body part. Success as it was
Ն The length of the hair is its body as well. It was to suppress the erosion of the subspace which was the fourth one.
I will have a spring plan because I have to. Let's go to the goat which I presented first (lol) It is seriously dragged together. Loose coming out Hello, if you are playing with Botchan ___ ___ ___ 0 Life hardly goes as planned, ha ha ha. So another picture of the other robot thing "Holy machine story" (provisional) which was scheduled to begin fall in the unknown is above. The story is common in science fictional science that has been drawn into a different world (a masochistic thing) If dual is a parallel world, this is a magical different world genre. But the magical form is "photon", desert is changed to medieval Europe, so to speak like a royal road like so · · · such a thing is anything but leisure! If you go as far as you can go a different world! What is a half naked beauty and the beast That's why. If the temple is a beast, I will not be a beast like eroge but if you think that the satellite wah wait is fine it will not matter what you do But even if only a single word is said, this is a pattern and it is a pattern. It is not the reason I do not have originality, but there is nothing I do not have, but Ohara comes from the same story · Oops I can not say anything more. The story is wrong when writing a holy instructor's book. It's tough to fill the page with pretty free talk. It's less interesting to write unexpectedly. This story, originally changed the setting of a giant canyon thought with manga on the night before the Showa version festival to the setting of the whole world, adding a robot as it is and wondering if I reprint it. The name of the hero is Swordsman (Kenshi) Makefudi swordsman. They are grandchildren of heaven and earth, but they are not involved at all in the main part. Either way yet, since production has not yet begun, when you think you will be the latest information! Ancestor indefinitely postponed, I will not go out. A wolf boy is eaten by a wolf Fukushima Hello · I'm sorry. It is my power shortage.