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Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-ohki / Re: Doujin Translation List
Last post by Dr.Soviet - January 22, 2024, 04:08:51 PM
Quote from: BobSchlotkin on January 20, 2024, 10:30:53 PM
Does anyone have a better copy of Nontan Project's Jun's GXP than what's on

I'm trying to OCR the thing. I up to about pg 50 of 80 and so far there are 4 pages that were cut off because of the way it was scanned.


posted it in discord too
Other Anime / Re: Digimon
Last post by Ryo-Okay - January 21, 2024, 02:27:08 AM
Pteromon and Galemon are great and are already some of my favorite new Digimon from the last few years. I like Shoemon, but Shoeshoemon just doesn't do it for me. I can't quite put my finger on why I don't like it much, but I don't. I don't think it's bad and I'm sure it will grow on me, but right now I'm not a fan.
Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-ohki / Re: Doujin Translation List
Last post by BobSchlotkin - January 20, 2024, 10:30:53 PM
Does anyone have a better copy of Nontan Project's Jun's GXP than what's on

I'm trying to OCR the thing. I up to about pg 50 of 80 and so far there are 4 pages that were cut off because of the way it was scanned.

Other Anime / Re: Digimon
Last post by WarOmnimon - January 19, 2024, 10:59:59 AM
Double post because we finally got a proper update on the Digimon Liberator side of things this morning in the form of Pteromon, Galemon, Shoemon, and Shoeshoemon's Digimon Reference Book profiles. Turns out that Shoemon is a chipmunk or squirrel, not a mouse. Didn't see that coming, but it makes me happy because we haven't had a chipmunk or squirrel Digimon yet. So happy that I changed my profile photo over it, LOL. :)

Really hoping we get an announcement of BE Memory Cards for Pteromon and Shoemon and / or confirmation of them being on the Wind Guardians and Metal Empire Digimon Pendulum Colors as unlockables soon. (Though I'm guessing that Espimon will end up being the Metal Empire Pendulum Color unlockable, so BE Memory Cards seem more ideal; we already know Gammamon will be the unlockable on Virus Busters.)
Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-ohki / Re: Comiket 103
Last post by BobSchlotkin - January 05, 2024, 07:16:02 AM
Yeah, I thought that one character looked like Kiriko as well.

I have no idea what is going on in this series! I just hope he doesn't decide to deviate from Paradise War and GXP 18 to do something with this.

Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-ohki / Re: Comiket 103
Last post by Nonsuch Ned - January 04, 2024, 10:00:45 PM
Yes, damn thing is as indecipherable as ever.
Nice designs, although close-ups often look like Kiriko.
SOMETHING is happening... who knows what.
Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-ohki / Re: Comiket 103
Last post by BobSchlotkin - January 03, 2024, 03:07:20 AM
I just uploaded the C103 Doujin to

Here is the English translation of the Afterword:
■ Afterword ■
This is the fifth book in the "Growing Something" series. It has been a long time since I've worked on an original doujinshi, due in part to Corona and the work on Tenchi, and to be honest, I wasn't sure what to start. I thought it might be possible that some people might be new to the series. I thought about re-releasing a small number of copies, but considering the handling and budget, I thought it would be better to make it a compilation, so I decided not to do it this time.

I enjoyed working on this one, partly to switch my mind, and it seemed to clear the haze from my head, and I was able to restart my energy to do more things. I've been so dazed that I can't remember what I was doing around October.

To be honest, I am still undecided about my future work. I will start preparing for various things, but in order of precedence, it will be the main part of "Paradise". In terms of the story, Tenchi and Seina will be quiet behind the scenes for a while, so Kukoma Shou will play the leading role on the front stage from now on. I'm sorry about the novel, but I'll get around to it next year, so please wait a little longer. Sorry, Airen, you are the one who really did it.
Masaki Kajishima

Kinda pissed about this one! On the other hand, there is something to look forward to concerning Paradise War and GXP 18!

Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-ohki / Re: Princess Ayeka and RPGs
Last post by Dr.Soviet - January 01, 2024, 08:47:56 PM
I'll have my DND buddies take a look since I know nothing about it :question:
Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-ohki / Princess Ayeka and RPGs
Last post by Kokoro - January 01, 2024, 03:45:49 PM
I have both copies of Tenchi Muyo RPG and Tenchi Universe RPG, and I'm working on a project to start converting all the characters I know to Big Eyes Small Mouth 4 (since these games are based on the Revised Second Edition).  However, I've come across an interesting situation.  I would have thought that the characters would be mostly the same between these two games, since the character is the same, just the official backgrounds are different.

In Tenchi Muyo RPG, Ayeka has a Body of 4, Mind of 4, and Soul of 7.
In Tenchi Universe RPG, Ayeka has a Body of 5, Mind of 4, and Soul of 6.

The point values calculate to the same usage, so that's only a minor detail. However, when I'm scanning down towards the Special Powers section, things are wildly different.
In Tenchi Muyo RPG, there is an attack called "Energy Fist", Damage: 50, and another attack called "Energy Balls", Damage 30.
In Tenchi Universe RPG, there's an attack called "Log Zap", Damage: 50, and another attack called "Emerald Energy Blast", Damage 60

It appears to me that the Tenchi Universe version of Ayeka is more powerful than in the OVA setting.  The higher Body stat would give Ayeka more strength for Unarmed attacks, but the lower Soul stat would maker her Special Abilities weaker, but not by much.

Anyway, do you agree with my assessment?  Or based on everything you all know, what would you recommend?  I realize that BESM has had two revisions since these characters were imported into the system, and I'll have to do some other adjustments to ensure they are all balanced properly.