GXP audio Drama Translation Workspace

Started by Eff Efferson, July 03, 2023, 04:04:49 PM

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July 03, 2023, 04:04:49 PM Last Edit: July 11, 2023, 12:39:45 AM by Eff Efferson
I was right we needed the audio dramas this time. and we probably need them for OVA 4 and 5 if we can get them. Disc one seems to be jovias side story

These are super rough and im super lazy. so I don't really want to be the one to finish these up but I am using ai to get transcriptions and translate the first audio cd this is what i got so far using /my.sonix.a and deepl could easily be done perfectly if i had the patience to identify and separate each speaker and correct the names and transcribed words but lazy this post is mostly about showing the general content

If yall can help fix it up best you can based on whates here pls help. and if you send me noticable wonky spots that are stumpers ill double check when i get free time.

Washu Narration: [00:00:03] It was the morning after Seina returned to Earth and stayed at Tsukiko's house. Invited by the aroma of breakfast, Seina stepped into the living room and was greeted by Mikami and Washu, who were having breakfast there for some reason, as well as Jovia. After a lively breakfast, Jovia began to prepare for her trip back to her parents' house.

Jovia: Well, now that I'm going back to my hometown, why don't I just do break the suspense and see if there's any reason why I should be careful so that I don't get caught. No, it's too much trouble to put on a disguise, I already look completely different from my previous life, so I can go there with just some simple makeup on.

Tsukiko: Hey Jovia.
Jovia: what's up Tsukiko?

Tsukiko: I just thought I owe you an apology for being so bad at the breakfast table. I finally figured it out. Look. The mark of my fingertip is clearly visible on your forehead. I didn't know you loved natto. I love natto more than anything else, but I just forgot to put natto on the table in the morning and  that's on me.

Speaker1: [00:01:29] I was looking forward to the ring.

Speaker2: [00:01:30] Hey. How provocative. Would a smile harass you for such a childish reason?

Speaker2: [00:29] I don't think so. I think what you just said is more of a reason to be angry and harass her. I'm sure you would be happy to have natto, though. Who said I like natto?

Speaker1: [00:01:51] I'm a big sexist.

Speaker2: [00:01:52] I'm going to ask you to stop leaking my personal information. If that's what my darlin' says, I don't have a choice.

Speaker1: [00:02:00] And other things like I prefer miso soup that's not sweet white.

Speaker2: [00:02:06] I'm going to sue you again. I'm going to charge you money. Speaker2: [00:00:06] So they don't have natto or miso. Yes, yes, yes. Yes, yes. So I tried to make it, but it was just something like that.

Speaker1: [00:02:20] Did you try to make anything other than natto?

Speaker2: [00:02:22] Cooking. It was difficult. I went out to the ocean and tried all kinds of things, and I lost most of my earnings for one piece of nori. And yet, they treated me like I was eating ghetto food, and I thought if I could do it, then why not? It's not worth it, and the taste is not good. In the end, the seaweed growing densely on the rocks nearby tasted the best, but it's not the same as the seaweed we have here. It has to taste like this. So much so that you half-cried. You would have eaten it just for the hair. Chirico's was excellent, but the quantity? It's like.... As a commoner born in Japan, I thought it would be enough to have a refined one once in a while. But mine is different otherwise. Tsuki, this one makes me feel at ease. It's like a taste of mother's cooking. It's one of the best I've ever had. So, please keep feeding them to me. Okay, okay. Then, please continue to enjoy it.

02 Track 2.mp3
Speaker 1: [00:00:01] By the way, I think you were talking about going back home  Jovia, and you're going in that outfit? Said Washu
Yes, That's the plan. Oh, should I wear more gussied up makeup?

Washu: No, no, no, I Just mean so you don't get recognized by the people you know back there, they might recognize you if your astral is fairly intact from your last reincarnation.

Jovia: What is an astral?

Washu: Astral is, in essence, the human soul. When an object loses its form, or loses its body in the process of death, the astral, or soul, fades away and returns to the astral world. But there are transcendent beings who have acquired the ability to maintain their astral, and we call them ancients.

I didn't realize that. So it's like a physical memory of my previous life.

Yes, you were reenacting it in a magically created pseudo body based on your remaining memories at that time.

Speaker 3: [00:01:12] Magic? How did you recreate it?

Speaker 1: [00:01:17] She's just a normal Japanese girl. What's wrong with that?

Speaker1: [00:01:22] So I thought it would be fun to go back home.

Speaker2: [00:01:26] No, they're going to find out.

Speaker 1: [00:01:28] You were like imperial 180%, right?

Speaker 3: [00:01:32] What is that? Do you think that's the number? It's almost like you're a different person.

Speaker 2: [00:01:36] datte I don't think so. I don't think I'm the type of person who would look at my own face in a mirror. I'm not a high schooler, and I don't even wear makeup.

Speaker 3: [00:01:45] You'll be aware of it from there.

Speaker 2: [00:01:47] I don't want a mom who has all that money to spend on cosmetics and hobbies. I'm not a mom who would spend all of her money on cosmetics.

Speaker 1: [00:02:00] I heard that they have a montage curriculum in gp, but you were talking about how difficult it is to make a montage from the victim's memories.

Speaker 3: [00:02:10] Eventually. Maybe it's easier to understand if it's a little bit vague and image-first.

Speaker 1: [00:02:17] For the jobbers, there is still a possibility that this world is a parallel world, and it's okay to be a little bit adventurous.

Speaker 3: [00:02:27] is it possible to determine where you are from in your previous life from the VIA astral, even if you are the Lord?

Speaker 1: [00:02:34] I'm afraid not.

Speaker2: [00:02:36] Well. Speaker 2: [00:00:36] Well, I mean, it's not what you'd expect, and I'm sure you'll notice some differences when you get back to your hometown.

Speaker 3: [00:02:45] It's not as if it's messy or as if you have a lot of heart.

Speaker 2: [00:02:48] If it's a parallel universe, that's interesting.

Speaker1: [00:02:53] I'm curious. Speaker1: [00:02:53] I'm curious about the time lapse. I think it's the same age as when I applied for the job.

Speaker2: [00:03:00] Yeah, that's right. If you think about it normally, it should be plus the age since you reincarnated, but it's the same age calculation as my age now and the slingshot.

Speaker 3: [00:03:12] Isn't that proof that that tree is a parallel universe?

Speaker 1: [00:03:16] No, I think it's probably to balance the time line. If the purpose of having the everlasting 8 degrees of reincarnation in the first place is to resolve the space-time distortion, then it is risky to reincarnate while maintaining the high....

Speaker 3: [00:03:33] It's a risk ka.

[00:03:34] It works like this. It's probably a very small amount. I think that's what they're trying to avoid.

Speaker2: [00:03:41] On the other hand, the fact that he is the same age as he was before he was reincarnated could mean that this earth could be Jobim's home.

Speaker2: [00:03:49] That's another thing that we can look into back home.

Speaker 3: [00:03:52] Yeah. It's only in your interest to verify it. I met my darling and I brought her here, and now we're in a situation where Seto-sama allowed us to have a science exhibit area. That. Stop calling Sena-chan darling.

Speaker1: [00:04:10] What, I don't want to get angry there. I don't want to get mad at you for that. I don't care about that, but why don't you just come clean? Ah, bad girl. What? About last night. You spent the night alone with raw nuts under the same roof. You were having fun. I know you were. Shall I bite you? Wait, come here. You'll understand if you talk to me.

Speaker1: [00:04:39] I'm with you. I'd love to hear what you have to say.

[00:04:42] Oh, just like washu sama. I'm so proud of you, Shu-sama. I'm curious about what you did with the confiscated items. What kind of fun did you have? Oh, wait. The arm which was put around the neck like hugging gently at first is gradually tightened and surely falls. I'm afraid I can't read it when it comes to force. Thank you for your explanation. Joby night, please have a good rest. Gebogebo site today.

Speaker1: [00:05:10] I mean a little bit later to drop the awareness of the ever-present lodging of the code with eyes.

Speaker2: [00:05:16] So you want to shut down unconsciousness later. Speaker2: [00:10:16] And you want to have an involuntary shutdown later on. It's just sleep mode. I refuse to do that.

Speaker1: [00:05:23] Right. I don't want to be an onlooker, like a regular guesthouse, you know.

Speaker2: [00:05:29] You shut your mouth a little bit, my Lord.

Speaker1: [00:05:34] Well, even if you go back to earth, you can't go back to your parents' house, and you can't find a place where you can relax. I am genuinely interested to know what they were talking about and how they were doing in this only place where they can feel safe.

Speaker2: [00:05:53] is the Lord.

Speaker1: [00:05:54] If the probability changes of sex and other factors were not in effect here, what principle would that be?And if I do well, it could be a useful resource for my research. Ah, here.

Speaker2: [00:06:09] is the outside owner, Mr. Shu, well, if you insist, I'll tell you, but there really was nothing special about it, right? I'm not lying. I saw Sena-chan walking along the path between the fields from afar, and I thought I missed her. Oh, yes, the male, the natural enemy of the sick girl, ran away at once when he saw Senna-chan.Oh, but Oze had grown so big that I was looking up at him.He said he was a little late in his growth spurt, but when he talked, he still looked so cute and innocent.Speaker1: [00:07:04] Yeah, I could tell he was having fun.I'm going to lose the day if I start talking about it.Speaker2: [00:07:11] I think I'm a little more full now. So, what's with that tone of voice, after we asked them ourselves?

Speaker1: [00:00:01] I'll tell you what we talked about.

Speaker2: [00:00:03] What did you two talk about?

Speaker3: [00:00:06] Well, we started by talking about money.

Speaker2: [00:00:09] You started with money in a more practical way than I thought.

Speaker3: [00:00:16] No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. It's an important part. Money is important. I don't mean that, but you know, Seina's parents' house is in a lot of trouble right now.

Speaker1: [00:00:27] It's about to become a commercial center, Yamada Shopping Center or something like that.

Speaker2: [00:00:31] I did the work to move the Yamada house to the roof of the facility.

Speaker3: [00:00:38] I was a little worried at first because it's in town.

Speaker2: [00:00:42] It took me a little bit longer because I had to pretend that I had the civil engineering skills of this planet. But we have that kind of technology on Earth, so it's not a problem.

Speaker1: [00:00:53] I heard that the mall will be owned by a local private store.

Speaker3: [00:00:58] People who know about the nature of the Saint Nat's business would say don't come back. I'm always welcome at my place.

Speaker1: [00:01:08] Oh.

Speaker3: [00:01:09] And they were wondering why we changed from a supermarket scale to a shopping mall scale.

Speaker2: [00:01:16] I see, so that's why you were talking about the salary of the Holy Lord.

Speaker3: [00:01:22] That's right. Chirico kept me in the dark about it, but I thought I'd let it go. It seems that Seina's salary is now a fleet commander class, but it is always gold. Asan, yes, I'll shut up. Because of Sena-chan, the Dharma Guild was destroyed and the pirates suffered less damage, so logistics became more active, didn't it?

Speaker2: [00:01:50] Well, we no longer had direct damage from the pirates. But the more important thing is that the barriers that separated us from the pirates are gone.

Speaker3: [00:02:02] Yes. Specifically, the cost of transportation has gone down dramatically.

Speaker1: [00:02:06] So you don't need to have a ship to escort you anymore because you don't have to be on the lookout for attacks from pirates anymore.

Speaker3: [00:02:13] Yes, and that money is starting to be used to develop undeveloped areas of space.

Speaker2: [00:02:19] So the budget that used to be spent on escort vessels to avoid the negative effects of pirate attacks is now being spent on the positive effects of economic development.

Speaker3: [00:02:29] It's not going to affect the general economy yet, but on the frontier, the old Age of Discovery is starting to happen.

Speaker1: [00:02:38] This is going to bring a boom to the whole federation.

Speaker2: [00:02:43] The immediate catalyst for that was the St. How much of a reward is that going to be.

Speaker1: [00:02:50] I guess. Remosen's.

Speaker3: [00:02:53] I was just gritting my teeth a little bit.

Speaker1: [00:02:55] I'll tell you what. Smile over here with a stop and hold your fist up.

Speaker2: [00:02:58] Don't. I'm sure Saint and others would say that I'm not the only one who can do it.

Speaker3: [00:03:04] As you can see, that's what he said.

Speaker2: [00:03:07] However, it's not for you to evaluate.

Speaker3: [00:03:12] The same is true for the unbeatable equipment, staff, and political marriages like the one just above. This alone is a mine or. you can understand how Jp thinks.

Speaker2: [00:03:23] Even if every one of the rewards is like dust, it's Seto-dono's accounting department that's raking it in.

Speaker1: [00:03:34] That hyena unit?

Speaker3: [00:03:36] That's for sure.

Speaker1: [00:03:37] Sounds awesome.

Speaker3: [00:03:38] So if there is going to be a big boom in the future, the Galactic Academy is going to be at the center of that investment and the provision of technology. The most powerful voice there is still for JULY and her sister. Seina belongs to JP and she is the key player in this time. Joby or what yet.

Speaker1: [00:03:59] You didn't say that either.

Speaker3: [00:04:00] I'm going to make some noise.

Speaker1: [00:04:01] I'm going to make some noise.

Speaker3: [00:04:02] Because. You know, you're also a member of MMD. So let me explain what MMD is, Mmd is an organization that manages astronomical patent related things that come into the history of philosophy and it's now the highest ranking bank in the Galactic League. Even though it is not yet a large scale, membership there is a kind of status, a sign of a very prestigious company.

Speaker1: [00:04:33]. Mm-hmm.

Speaker2: [00:04:36] [00:04:36] Numbers: At this stage, there is no such thing as an extraterrestrial exchange rate, but if we could bring in an unlimited amount of rare metals and other resources, for example, we would be able to ruin the world economy in no time at all.

Speaker1: [00:04:51] Well, that means that you could be the richest man in the world.

Speaker2: [00:04:58] It would be one of the richest in the universe.

Speaker3: [00:05:01] Now. If it were a household, Washio-sama would be one of them.

Speaker2: [00:05:06] No, I just had a bad, bad, funny imagination.

Speaker1: [00:05:11] When do we do it?

Speaker3: [00:05:12] Seine Pond.

Speaker1: [00:05:13] I should just go to [00:05:13] and do it. Speaker2: [00:05:14] No, no, no, no, no. Yes. Koshinakabara family line.

Speaker2: [00:05:19] No.

Speaker1: [00:05:20] So I'm taking my hands off my balls and I'm tying them up this moon morning and gradually tightening.

Speaker2: [00:05:28] It's getting tighter. But I'm sure they're still getting paid a lot of money, but the money sense of sex and other things has not changed at all.

Speaker3: [00:05:39] I think that's because they still have an allowance. We were talking about Gp's starting salary being transferred every month. He said even that is only going to increase.

Speaker1: [00:05:51] Heh.

Speaker3: [00:05:52] Maybe it's the mystery meat.

Speaker1: [00:05:54] I don't even have the sales of [00:05:55].

Speaker3: [00:05:56] You mentioned that. Laughs. He said that even if he had a big room in his house, he could only use 6 tatami mats of it.

Speaker1: [00:06:07] Yeah.

Speaker3: [00:06:08] I think if you don't need the video, you don't have to use it. So I told him that in Maki's village we are creating a corporate organization.

Speaker1: [00:06:19] So people from Maki village are working for some dummy companies?

Speaker3: [00:06:25] They are not all dummies. There are quite a few companies that are actually funded and run by regular earthlings. I explained to Yamada Shoten that it is in the form of Seina-chan investing in the company through a regular village company.

Speaker2: [00:06:43] I don't care if it's on the scale of a supermarket, it's a little bit too much to push for a shopping mall scale investment in the name of personal remittance if it's not your neighbor.

Speaker3: [00:06:55] That's right. As a dishonest girl, though, I did say that if the unspent money is helping my family, I'd prefer it that way. He said thank you for all the help you've given me.

04 Track 4.mp3
Speaker1: [00:00:00]
I'm serious. You don't have to be shy with your family.

Speaker2: [00:00:05]
That's right. So I'm going to end this conversation and I'm going to go to the kitchen and I'm going to do some cooking.

Speaker3: [00:00:13]
I went to the bath.

Speaker2: [00:00:15]
Yeah, you know exactly what I'm talking about.

Speaker3: [00:00:18]
So, the moment I opened the door to the bath, we bumped into each other. Tsukiko's naughty development.

Speaker2: [00:00:26]
And then she's like, "Oh, my God, I'm going to be a little girl.

Speaker3: [00:00:27]
May, what's the administration's position over here? What is the actual situation? Sena-chi's bathing scene 33333333.

Speaker2: [00:00:38]
It's soaked, isn't it? And let's be together when we were little. Come to think of it, we used to have a house goemon bath. It would have been cramped if we had kept the old bath tub.

Speaker3: [00:00:55]
Public cell.

Speaker2: [00:01:00]
That's where I'm going to bite.

Speaker3: [00:01:01]
Speaker3: [00:01:01] Yeah. After the bath, we're going to have dinner. What's the lineup like?

Speaker2: [00:01:07]
Why do you care about that? It was chicken miso, I'm sure it was jaga, green beans rolled with meat, three year old onin, and then miso soup with daikon and deep fried radish.

Speaker3: [00:01:22]
Koshiro: It's good, isn't it? It's good. Miso soup is a staple. And yet, it has the taste of home and is nostalgic. I'm sure I'm nostalgic for the taste of this one.

Speaker2: [00:01:40]
I'm not exaggerating just because of one miso soup.

Speaker4: [00:01:44]
In fact, I was so nostalgic when I tasted the raw miso soup from Matsuki Ko, that I started to recall the memories of when I was a child and was treated to this dish. It is no exaggeration to say that the taste of mother's cooking is Tsukiko's cooking. The taste of this miso soup was enough to make me forget the embarrassment I felt last night when I was alone with Tsukiko.

Speaker3: [00:02:08]
Well, I've got a stomach Tsuken-jima, just as I planned.

Speaker2: [00:02:12]
We don't plan that. So, after dinner.

Speaker3: [00:02:17]
I think it was bath time over here, wasn't it?

Speaker2: [00:02:23]
So that means...

Speaker3: [00:02:24]
This timing.

Speaker2: [00:02:25]
Speaker2: [00:02:25] I don't know what you're talking about. I'm not going to ask too deeply what you're talking about, but depending on what you speak, I'll pay you a visit next. I feel like the regime lovers can leave the sound behind. If you give it to me, you won't put a hole in my face.

Speaker1: [00:02:41]
Oh, by the way, did you clean up the dinner in a hurry?

Speaker2: [00:02:46]
Speaker2: [00:02:46] Yes. He asked me to at least clean up after him.

Speaker1: [00:02:52]
Did you have to clean up all the dishes?

Speaker3: [00:02:57]
Speaker3: [00:02:57] Oh, by the way.

Speaker2: [00:02:58]
I was completely unharmed. It's strange, now that I think about it, because if you're affected by the probability bias over there, every single dish that you washed was wiped out.

Speaker3: [00:03:07]
It's not a surprise that they break.

Speaker2: [00:03:09]
Speaker2: [00:03:09] And I'm not going to tell you what I mean. I mean, raw dishes are made of hard-to-break materials like vessels and plastic.

Speaker1: [00:03:16]
But still, I'm going to break it regardless. Well, I guess the fact that they were safe means that the cleanup must have been magical.

Speaker4: [00:03:26]
Magic is just like Shuji said. I mean, I used magic last night to wash the dishes. What happened was that it scanned the shape and recognized only the dishes and removed the rest of the dirt. This way, there is no danger of accidentally slipping your hand and breaking it. Moreover, the air clay was changed to create a cushion so that the dishes would not break even if dropped. The leftover side dishes are also usually wrapped and put in the refrigerator, but since this is what Seina does and she didn't want to have any surprises, the time was stopped on the electronic storage. 0 If not, there is no danger of damage. Finally, she wiped the rock chabutai and finished cleaning up.

Speaker2: [00:04:17]
Moon. This one is for magic.

Speaker3: [00:04:18]
I think he's curious about it.

Speaker2: [00:04:21]
I'm not so sure, but Chirico has been bragging about it a lot.

Speaker1: [00:04:26]
I remember Chirico likes fantasy novels.

Speaker3: [00:04:30]
Oh, it's already October. I'm also a fan of the books that you have.

Speaker2: [00:04:36]
That's good.

Speaker1: [00:04:38]
Did you hear about the empty magic of functionality and so forth? Speaker2: [00:04:38] Yes.

Speaker2: [00:04:43]
It's a plant called a witch that generates it. You mean mutate it into various phenomena. I felt it is like the magic power in fantasy.

Speaker1: [00:04:55]
Well, yes. To put it bluntly, magic is a kind of warding system.

Speaker2: [00:05:01]
Some of the demons that have entered the mountain range look just like the ones in the lore of the earth. It's exciting to think that maybe they existed in the past.

Speaker1: [00:05:14]
Masochists are hostile to science and technology as relics, because as scientific civilization develops, the pearls themselves will disappear. And I think those characteristics are also going to support the fact that the creatures of lore existed before the development of science and technology.

Speaker2: [00:05:33]
It's a dream, isn't it? Speaker2: [00:05:33] I'm talking about this one.

Speaker3: [00:05:36]
I thought it would be disappointing if I said that I can't use it here on Earth because I don't have pearls from the

Speaker2: [00:05:41]
Speaker2: [00:05:41] I was disappointed at first, of course. I was disappointed at first, of course. But then Seina told me that there is a way to use them on Earth.

Speaker4: [00:05:50]
Masa is like a system where they have a will, and they have similar properties to the astral world.

Speaker2: [00:05:58]
Well, yes, I heard that at a certain age in the world, they form organs in the body to use Masasu.

Speaker1: [00:06:06]
Well, yeah, you're talking about a period of time.

Speaker2: [00:06:08]
It's made

Speaker3: [00:06:10]
It gets worse, but it's pretty tough. The body is just barely able to sustain life.

Speaker2: [00:06:17]
It's just the energy that's used. That's what I've heard. It's called, well, it's called a cold. When you come back to consciousness, you're as crispy as a mummy.

Speaker1: [00:06:27]
Yeah, that's right. But as soon as the period of mummyhood is over, the vocal cords are strengthened, and you feel much better.

Speaker3: [00:06:36]
So, what's going on? You're going to be so hungry, you're going to be able to eat as much as you want.

Speaker2: [00:06:43]
And Seina-chan said that every two hours the capacity of the witch organ changes how long it takes for hunger to settle down. I heard that Ichigo-chan had a masochistic wind that lasted quite a while, didn't you? If only I could be there for her then.

Speaker4: [00:06:59]
Oh no.

Speaker2: [00:07:00]
I'm glad I didn't have to see that, or maybe he didn't want me to see that. I mean, is it that great? It's that amazing. Yes, it is. It's a new organ in your body.

Speaker1: [00:07:18].
What's interesting is, you know, a false organ cannot be identified by scientific tests like CT or MRI. You can see it if you look at it directly.

Speaker2: [00:07:29]
It's because you see them as the enemy.

Speaker4: [00:07:33]
There was a problem in the first contact between the masochistic civilization and the scientific civilization a long time ago, and when they brought machinery and other things into the anti-civilization world, they degraded all but the simplest of machines.

Speaker1: [00:07:47]
Well, machines built in the anti-civilization world don't deteriorate. Still, the energy and control related things have to be, well, so-derived.

Speaker3: [00:07:57]
Well, anti.

Speaker2: [00:07:57]
There's also the fact that civilization itself doesn't need too many machines. There are many things that can be replaced by magic. Especially in the medical field. Magic itself is a very advanced civilization.

Speaker1: [00:08:12]
Every planet doesn't develop like a scientific civilization because life is stable thanks to the existence of witches. It's like evolution as biotechnology. Plants and demons are also very blue, and they can mutate and be used as various materials.

05 Track 5.mp3
Speaker1: [00:00:01] Yesterday we were talking about that and it was already late at night. That means it's time to go to bed for fun. I'm not. What's the fun in that? I didn't have anything to tell you.

Speaker2: [00:00:16] Well, I like it. If that's what the kids say, then that's what they said. But I'm sure you've expressed your feelings about the Moon Temple to St. John's and others.

Speaker1: [00:00:26] That's... Yes. Because if Seina hadn't gone into space, it would have been the hardship that I know about the hardship that Kiriko is having now. Tsukiakko is so strange that she sulks because she can't do hardship.

Speaker2: [00:00:43] You're an idiot. I'm just saying that I was the one who was standing next to Sei and the others.

Speaker1: [00:00:50] You two need to stop playing with me.

Speaker2: [00:00:54] I'm not playing with you. I'm not playing with you. I'm just curious to know how he was listening to her.

Speaker3: [00:01:09] If Seina didn't go to space. Considering her physical condition, she might not have been able to go on to higher education, get a job, or even live at home like that. Sena's parents were concerned about that, and they made plans very early on to have her live at Tsukiko's house rather than in the regular village.

Speaker2: [00:01:32] Stepdaughter-dono is already space, future mother of Kaid. That's what would happen. The two people who will remain in this house are the Moon Temple and Seina-dono.

Speaker1: [00:01:43] Giri. Ehh, what's going to happen? I will leave it to your imagination.

Speaker2: [00:01:48] Well, I'm sorry, I mean, I'm sorry, I'm sure that's what Lady Seto said.

Speaker1: [00:01:55] Yeah. Well, isn't it more of a common sense breaker? Well, Tsuki, this one is strong. I think it's good if he's going to be a watchdog because he's safe and secure.

Speaker3: [00:02:08] Raina has proved the usefulness of her power in the galactic federation and then in Renza. Despite the fact that Seto and his friends are holding back, there are still 100s of political marriage proposals coming in every day, and there are many people who can't sleep with their pillows up high after seeing the raw power they have.

Speaker1: [00:02:35] Sena knew that Chirico was working hard. It was a good opportunity for that girl to grow up, and I think it was heaven-sent. Which was better for Chirico? The outcome now is what Chirico chose.

Speaker3: [00:02:55] Surely now it's a reason to live.

Speaker1: [00:02:56] I'm sure she feels like she has something to live for now.

Speaker2: [00:02:58] I should say that it was a blessing that there was a grace period until a system of quality as good as paulownia was in place and the quality of dainty degree was royalty. However, I think the cumbersome approach to sex and other things is still going to continue.

Speaker1: [00:03:13] I wish I could be there for you, but I've told Seina that I'm not going to tell her what to do right away.

Speaker2: [00:03:21] I'm going to step in a little bit and say, I like that we talked about Dido's.

Speaker1: [00:03:26] Even Kazunari-sama will get angry if she hears any more. They are all independent now and they are no more than strangers to me. I understand. I honestly don't remember what happened after that. I probably fell asleep. I don't remember what happened after that.

Speaker3: [00:03:50] Next to Tsukiko's regular sleeping breath, Seina was looking at her profile with a sense of anxiety. Tsukiko should be sleeping soundly, but her hand was firmly holding Seina's hand. Moreover, it was a defenseless sleeping face right after she had clearly expressed her intention to do so. Could it be that she was doing it on purpose? I had a hunch that she was doing it on purpose. Sena remembered the unprecedented meeting, counted her origins, and remembered Chirico's angry face, while being enveloped by the smell of her old house. She managed to fall asleep.

Speaker1: [00:04:39] Parents ready. I'm about to leave for my parents' house.

Speaker2: [00:04:45] Oh, by the way, I was just at the inn preparing to leave for home. I completely forgot about it. I'm sorry for interrupting you.

Speaker1: [00:04:55] I enjoyed the girls' talk the year before. Let's do it again every year. I'll see you off at the entrance. What is it? Are you really that sad that I'm going to be gone for a while? Tsukiko: No, it's just that I think everyone has a lot of things to warn you about, and I don't want you to leave on your own before I've told you. I am Kodama.

Speaker3: [00:05:24] Battery no capacity large battery no use GXPPARADISE startup version. The first episode of the bonus drama CV.

Speaker1: [00:05:35] Smoking. Maki Tsukiko snowy May. Obiyacho BIS Yuzuki Ryoka Japanese odor Kobayashi Yuko.

Speaker3: [00:05:46] Narration Azusa Sato.

for all my tenchi work go to
Pdfs and audiobooks:
click here

Are the audio files themselves posted anywhere?

Quote from: sacunnin on July 05, 2023, 09:32:58 PM
Are the audio files themselves posted anywhere?

No and they wont be for copyright reasons
for all my tenchi work go to
Pdfs and audiobooks:
click here

Me and my kid have been going through a few rental places over here and we can't find anyplace that even rents season 5. They are available for sale with the Blu-rays. They go for between 5500 and 6000 Yen each, so around $300 for all 6.

This weekend we'll hit some of the used book places like Wattman and Book-off and see if we can get lucky.

If it jams, force it. If it breaks, it needed replacing anyway!

Quote from: BobSchlotkin on July 06, 2023, 06:59:22 AM
Me and my kid have been going through a few rental places over here and we can't find anyplace that even rents season 5. They are available for sale with the Blu-rays. They go for between 5500 and 6000 Yen each, so around $300 for all 6.

This weekend we'll hit some of the used book places like Wattman and Book-off and see if we can get lucky.


lucky would be finding the stage play dvd hahaha
for all my tenchi work go to
Pdfs and audiobooks:
click here

Quote from: Eff Efferson on July 06, 2023, 02:37:37 PM
lucky would be finding the stage play dvd hahaha

Thanks for mentioning that. I'll keep my eye out!
I was out of the loop for Tenchi stuff from about 1998 until I found you guys in 2019 or 2020. If you have anything else you want me to watch for at the rental or used places, let me know!

I've found a couple of 15.03 doujins, but the price has been nuts. If I catch one for less than 20000 Yen, I'll get it!
I'm hoping I can scan it would destroying it and resell it.

If it jams, force it. If it breaks, it needed replacing anyway!

Tenchi Live Stage ran in summer of 2019 and several forum members received a BluRay slash DVD for their involvement. However, there was an issue localizing it for abroad like US due to Covid.

Here's my take on the first Audio Drama CD. Full disclosure! I'm paying my daughter 2000 Yen per disc to transcribe these!

Tenchi Muyo! GXP Paradise Shidou Hen Audio Drama, disc 1
Track 1

Narrator: It was the morning after Seina returned to earth and stayed at Tsukiko's house. Invited by the aroma of breakfast, Seina stepped into the living room and was greeted by Mikami, Washu, and Jovia, who were having breakfast there for some reason. After a lively breakfast, Jovia started preparing to go back to her parents' house.

Jovia: Well, now, I have to be very careful not to get caught. Should I go there with makeup on like I'm in Hollywood? Yeah, no. It's a hassle, and I already look completely different from my previous life, so I can go there with just simple makeup.

Tsukiko: Jovia.

Jovia: Hmm? Tsukiko? What's wrong?

Tsukiko: I thought I should apologize to you. I was very rude at the breakfast table.

Jovia: Eh, you finally figured it out? Look at this forehead! The marks of Tsukiko's fingertips, which were dug in when you grabbed me, are clearly and distinctly visible!

Tsukiko: I didn't know you loved natto.

Jovia: Huh? Natto? It's true that it's my favorite food.

Tsukiko: I forgot to serve natto at the table in the morning, and you decided to provoke me by saying, "You had fun last night, didn't you?"

Jovia: That's not true! I would never harass you for such a childish reason!

Tsukiko: You would.

Jovia: What you just said is more reason to get angry and harass you! Well, I'm sure you would be happy to have natto. I mean, who said I like natto?

Washu: Seina-dono.

Jovia: Can you please stop leaking my personal information? If darling says so, I don't have a choice.

Washu: (Laughs) I also like miso soup, as long as it's not sweet white miso.

Jovia: Well, again! I'll sue you. I'll take your money, right?

Tsukiko: They didn't have natto or miso over there?

Jovia: No, they didn't! I tried to figure out how to make it, but it just looked like it.

Washu: Did you try to make anything other than natto?

Jovia: Nori! But that was difficult, too. I even went out to the sea to try a few things and lost most of my earnings for one sheet of nori. But over there, they treated me like a ghetto eater.

Tsukiko: But if you could still make it, why not?

Jovia: It wasn't worth it, and it didn't taste very good. In the end, the algae that grows densely on rocks in the witch world tasted the best. But it's not the same as the seaweed here! It has to taste like this!

Tsukiko: So much so that you cried? You would have eaten just the paper, wouldn't you?

Jovia: Kiriko's was excellent, but was it like a Japnese restaurant? As I am a commoner by birth, I think I only need an elegant dish once in a while.

Tsukiko: So you think mine is not?

Jovia: No, no, no! Tsukiko's food makes me feel at ease. Is that what you would call "mom's cooking"? It's one of the best I've ever eaten~. So, will you keep feeding it to me?

Tsukiko: Yes, yes. Then you should continue to fully enjoy it.

Track 2
Washu: By the way, Jovia. I think you said you were going back to your hometown, but are you going in that form?

Jovia: That's the plan. Should I put on more makeup?

Washu: No, no, no, I thought there was some talk that the "Ko" people who reincarnated Jovia should have kept as much of her "astral" from before her reincarnation as possible.

Tsukiko: What is "Ko" or "Astral"?

Washu: An "Astral" is, in essence, the soul of a person. When an object loses its form, or loses its body in the process of death, the Astral, or soul, fades away and returns to the Astral Sea. However, there are transcendent beings who have acquired the ability to maintain the astral. We call them "Ko".

Tsukiko: I didn't know that.

Jovia: Is it a physical memory of my previous life?

Washu: Yes, yes. At that time, you were recreated it with a pseudo-body created by magic, relying on your remaining memories.

Tsukiko: Magic. How was it recreated?

Jovia: I was an ordinary young lady, very Japanese. What about it?

Washu: So you thought it would be interesting to return to your hometown?

Jovia: No, they'll know.

Washu: It must feel like a 180% richochet, right?

Tsukiko: What's that? With that figure, you're almost a different person.

Jovia: I mean, it's not like I'm narcissistic. I don't stare at my own face in the mirror. I didn't even wear makeup in high school.

Tsukiko: From there, you'd be aware of it.

Jovia: Ha! If I had that kind of money to spend on cosmetics, I would put it all into my hobbies! Sometimes my mom or my friends forced me to wear makeup because they couldn't stand to see me do it, but I just let them do it. I just glance in the mirror and think, "Hmmm".

Washu: I heard that the GP has a curriculum to create montages, but you mentioned that it was difficult to create a montage from the victim's memories.

Tsukiko: In the end, maybe it is easier to understand if the image is a bit vague.

Washu: For Jovia, there is still the possibility that this world is a parallel world, so it's okay to be a little adventurous.

Tsukiko: Washu-sama, is it possible to determine where her previous life was from with her current astral?

Washu: I'm sorry.

Jovia: Well, in the first place, returning home in this way itself is out of the range of expectation, and if you go back to your birthplace, you'll notice the difference indeed.

Tsukiko: It's not as if it's messy, or as if you have a lot of heart.

Jovia: If it's a parallel world, that would be interesting.

Washu: What I'm curious about is the passage of time. I'm guessing you're in the same age range as when you died.

Jovia: That's right. Normally, my age should have been added to my age since my reincarnation, but the calculation would be the same as my current age.

Tsukiko: Isn't that discrepancy proof that this is a parallel world?

Washu: No, I think it's probably to balance the time line. If the purpose of reincarnating Jovia in the first place was to refurbish the space-time distortion, it would be risky to reincarnate her while maintaining "ko".

Tsukiko: Wasn't that risky?

Washu: It would be very slight, though, right? That's why I think they avoided it.

Tsukiko: On the other hand, the fact that she is the same age as she was before her reincarnation could mean that this earth is Jovia's home.

Jovia: Well, that's something we can look into when I get back home.

Tsukiko: Yes, it is in your interest to verify it.

Jovia: I met my darling and brought him here and the current situation is a definite one that Seto-sama has approved.

Tsukiko: You know, you should stop calling him darling!

Jovia: Oh, you're going to get angry there? Oh no. Darling is darling. That's not the point, Tsukiko. Why don't you just come clean?

Tsukiko: Come clean? About what?

Jovia: About last night. You and Seina spent the night alone under one roof, didn't you? You were having fun, right? Weren't you?

Tsukiko: Shall I grit my teeth?

Jovia: Wait, Tsukiko, you'll understand if you talk about it!

Washu: I want to hear about it too!

Tsukiko: I'd love to hear about it too!

Jovia: As expected of Washu-sama! Washu-sama is curious about you too, isn't she? What kind of fun did you enjoy?

Tsukiko: Hey you!

Jovia: Oh, wait. I'm afraid I can't read it even if the arms around my neck are gradually tightened and the force is sure to fall, like a gentle hug at first!

Tsukiko: Thank you for your explanation, Jovia. Please have a good night's rest.

Jovia: I give! I give I give I give I give!

Washu: Well, well, well, Tsukiko-dono. I'll just say that I'll drop Jovia-dono's consciousness a little later.

Jovia: I don't want to shut down my consciousness even later!

Tsukiko: It's okay. It's just sleep mode.

Jovia: I refuse!

Washu: Well, what the heck. I didn't want to be an onlooker like Jovia-dono.

Jovia: Washu-sama~!

Tsukiko: You should shut up for a minute.

Washu: Well, even if Seina-dono came back to earth, he can't go to his parents' house. It is hard for him to find a place where he can feel at ease. I am genuinely interested to know what he was like and what he was talking about in this place where he could feel safe.

Tsukiko:  Washu-sama...

Washu: If Seina-dono's change of probability was not triggered here, what kind of principle would that be? If I do well, it could be a useful resource for my research.

Tsukiko: It's ruined, Washu-sama. Well, if you insist, I will tell you. There was really nothing special about it.

Jovia: That's a lie~!

Tsukiko: I'm not lying! When I saw Seina-chan walking along the path between the fields from afar, I thought how nostalgic it must have been. Oh, yes, the rooster, Ryo-Ohki-chan's natural enemy, ran away at once when he saw Seina-chan (laugh). I thought he was the same as ever. But he had grown so tall that I was looking up at him. He said it was like his growth spurt came a little late. When he talked, he was still just like Seina-chan. He was so cute.

Washu: Well, I can see that you seem to be having a good time. If I start talking about it, we'll be here until it gets dark.

Jovia: Maybe I'm a little full of myself now?

Tsukiko: Why are you talking like that after asking us ourselves?

Track 3
Washu: Well, well, well. So what did you two talk about?

Tsukiko: Well, we started by talking about money.

Jovia, Washu: Money?

Washu: You attacked it from a more realistic point of view than I thought.

Jovia: No, no, no, Washu-sama, it's an important place. Money is important.

Tsukiko: Not that, but Seina-chan's parents' house is amazing right now, isn't it?

Jovia: It's about to become a commercial facility, Yamada Shopping Center or something like that.

Washu: And I did the work to move the house to the roof of the facility.

Jovia: I was a little worried at first because it is in town.

Washu: It took a little bit of time, because I had to do the work under the guise of civil engineering technology on this planet. But Earth has that level of technology too, so it's not a problem.

Tsukiko: Did I mention that the mall portion will be occupied by local independent stores?

Jovia: People who know Seina's constitution will tell him not to come back.

Tsukiko: My place is always welcome. Oh, and he was wondering why it changed from supermarket scale to shopping mall scale.

Washu: I see. So that's how you came to talk about Seina-dono's salary.

Tsukiko: That's right. Kiriko kept him in the dark about it, but I thought it was time to let it go. I heard that Seina's salary is now fleet commander class.

Jovia: Ugh, seriously?

Tsukiko: Jovia?

Jovia: Yes, I will shut up.

Tsukiko: Seina-chan was the catalyst for the destruction of the Daruma Guild and the reduction of pirate damage, so logistics have become more active, haven't they?

Washu: Well, the direct damage from the pirates has gone away. But actually, I'm talking about the fact that the obstacles that separated us from each other by that were more important.

Tsukiko: Yes, it is. Specifically, transportation costs went down dramatically.

Jovia: And we don't have to be on the lookout for raids from pirates anymore, so we don't have to have ships to escort us anymore.

Tsukiko: Yes, and that money is starting to be allocated to the development of undeveloped areas.

Washu: So the budget that used to be used to provide escorts to avoid negative effects from pirate attacks is now being used for the positive of economic development.

Tsukiko: It won't affect the general economy yet, but on the frontier, the old Age of Discovery is starting to happen.

Jovia: This is going to bring a huge economic boom to the whole federation.

Washu: It was Seina-dono that directly triggered it. How big will the reward be?

Jovia: I can't get enough of it!

Tsukiko: Can you clench your teeth a little?

Jovia: Stop smiling and holding your fist in the air, Tsukiko.

Washu: Seina-dono would say that he is not the only one who can do it.

Tsukiko: As you may have guessed, that's what he said.

Washu: However, it is not Seina-dono who makes that evaluation.

Tsukiko: The same is true for exceptional equipment, staff, and political marriages. This alone is enough to understand how Jurai and the GP think.

Washu: Even if each of the rewards is like dust, it's Seto-dono's accounting department that's raking it in.

Jovia: Oh, the hyena unit. That sure looks amazing.

Tsukiko: If there is a great economic boom in the future, the Galactic Academy will be at the center of that investment and technology provision. The most powerful voice there is still Jurai and Seniwa. Seina belongs to the GP and is a key player in this time. Jovia.

Jovia: You haven't said anything yet!

Tsukiko: I'm definitely going to make some noise from now on. Because Seina is also a member of the highest level of MMD.

Jovia: And what is MMD?

Washu: Let me explain: MMD is an organization that manages astronomical patent-related matters that come from the field of philosophy and is now known as the highest ranking bank in the Galactic Federation. Even though it is not yet a large scale, membership there is a kind of status and a sign of a very prestigious company.

Jovia: Yeah, yeah. Who are you?

Washu: At this stage, there is no such thing as an exchange rate between earth and space, but if we could bring in an unlimited amount of rare metals and other resources, for example, we would be able to ruin the world economy in no time.

Jovia: Wow, which means Seina could even become the richest man in the world!

Washu: He would be one of the richest people in the universe.

Jovia: I love it!

Tsukiko: Oh, Jovia. Washu-sama too, right?

Washu: No, sorry, I just had a funny thought.

Jovia: I'll ask Seina when he's going to do it. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no! Just kidding! I'm not even going to call them on it! So take your hands off my head, Tsukiko! Wait, it's getting tighter! It's getting tighter and tighter!

Washu: However, even though he must be getting paid a decent salary now, Seina-dono's financial sense has not changed at all.

Tsukiko: I think that's because he's still on an allowance system. We were talking about his GP's starting salary being transferred every month. Even that is increasing, he said.

Jovia: Perhaps sales of mystery meat are also untouched?

Tsukiko: Oh, he mentioned that, didn't he? Even if you gave him a large room in your house, he would only be able to use about six tatami mats worth of space.

Jovia: Oh, I'm going to say it.

Tsukiko: If you don't need it, you don't have to use it. And that's why I mentioned that in Masaki's village, they have a corporate organization.

Jovia: So people from Masaki village are working for some dummy companies?

Tsukiko: Not all of them are dummies. There are quite a few companies that are actually funded and run by regular earthlings. I explained that Seina-chan has invested in Yamada Shoten via a company in Masaki village.

Washu: I don't care if it's on the scale of a supermarket, it's a little too much to push for a shopping mall scale investment in the name of personal remittance, except for neighbors.

Tsukiko: That's right. As for Seina, he said that he would prefer it if the unspent money was useful for his family. He also thanked me for all the help I've given him.

Track 4
Washu: You're so serious. No need to be shy with family, right?

Tsukiko: That's right. So once the conversation was over, I went to the kitchen to cook, (Jovia) and "Seina went to the bath."

Tsukiko: That's right. You know exactly what I'm talking about.

Jovia: That means you bumped into each other when you opened the door of the bath! Crikey! Tsukiko's naughty! What's going to happen now?

Tsukiko: Nothing.

Jovia: Tsukiko's is quick! What's really going on? Seina's bathing scene! Did you see it?

Tsukiko: I haven't seen it! Besides, when he was little, we used to... Oh? Come to think of it, we used to have a traditional bath in our house. It would have been cramped if we had kept the old bath tub.

Jovia: Traditional bath? I really wanted to go in there!

Tsukiko: I see you're biting there.

Jovia: After the bath, it's dinner, right? So what's the lineup like?

Tsukiko: Why do you care about that? Let's see, there was grilled chicken with miso, boiled potatoes and green beans, boiled wild vegetables, and miso soup with radish and deep-fried tofu?

Jovia: It's ok, it's ok! Miso soup is a classic after all. Even so, I miss the taste of home cooking, and Seina must have felt nostalgic thinking, "Oh, it tastes just like Tsukiko's!"

Tsukiko: Such an exaggeration with just one miso soup.

Narrator: In fact, when Seina tasted Tsukiko's miso soup, he was so nostalgic that he even traced back the memories of when he was treated to it as a child. It is no exaggeration to say that Tsukiko's cooking was the taste of a mother. The taste of this miso soup was enough to make him forget the embarrassment he felt last night when he was alone with Tsukiko.

Jovia: Just as planned, you've got my stomach.

Tsukiko: I didn't plan it that way.

Jovia: So, after dinner, wasn't it time for Tsukiko bath?

Tsukiko: Well, yes, but?

Jovia: I see. So this is the right time.

Tsukiko: I won't ask too deeply what you're talking about, but depending on what you say, I have a feeling that the next right-fist punch I deliver to you will leave a sound behind.

Jovia: If I eat that, won't it put a hole in my face? Hey.

Washu: Speaking of which, did he clean up after dinner?

Tsukiko: That's right. He asked me himself to at least let him clean up.
Washu: And the dishes didn't get broken or anything?

Tsukiko: Come to think of it, they were completely unscathed. It's strange now that I think about it.

Jovia: It's no surprise that washed dishes would break from one side to the other if they were affected by Seina's probability bias.

Tsukiko: Seina-chan's dishes are made of wood, plastic, or other materials that are hard to break.
Washu: But it's still a control system that destroys things regardless. Well, the fact that they were safe means that he must have used magic to clean up the mess.

Tsukiko: Magic...

Narrator: Washu is right, Seina used magic to wash the dishes last night. What happened was that it scanned the shape and recognized only the dishes and removed any dirt. This way, there was no danger of accidentally slipping and breaking them. Moreover, the air viscosity was changed to create a cushion so that the dishes would not break even if dropped. The leftover side dishes would normally be wrapped and put in the refrigerator, but since this was Seina's job and he didn't want to take any chances, he used his psychic eyes to make sure that they would not break. In storage. There is no fear of pain if it is within the spiritual thread where time has stopped. Finally, he wiped the tablecloth and finished putting it away.

Jovia: Tsukiko seems to be very interested in magic.

Tsukiko: Well, well, Kiriko bragged about it a lot.

Washu: I thought Kiriko really liked fantasy novels?

Jovia: Then Tsukiko, too, is into the books that Kiriko has.

Tsukiko: That's good!

Washu: Did you hear about magic from Seina-dono yesterday?

Tsukiko: Yes, we did. We talked about the magical power generated by plants called "Magic Tree", which mutate into various phenomena. I felt it is like magic power in fantasy.

Washu: Well, yes. To put it roughly, magic is a kind of warding system.

Tsukiko: So some of the demons in Renza look exactly like the ones in Earth lore. It's exciting to think that maybe they existed in the past.

Washu: Because magic equipment is hostile to science and technology as a foreign object, as scientific civilization develops, the magic trees themselves will disappear. That kind of characteristic would also seem to support the fact that the creatures of lore existed before the development of science and technology.

Tsukiko: It's like a dream, isn't it?

Jovia: I thought Tsukiko would be disappointed that the lack of magic trees means it can't be used on earth.

Tsukiko: Of course I was disappointed at first. But Seina-chan told me that there is a way to use it on earth.

Narrator: Magic equipment is like a system in which they have a will, and they have similar properties to the astral world.

Tsukiko: I understand that in the magical world, at a certain age, the body forms organs for the use of magic.

Washu: You mean the magic organ.

Jovia: When it's made, you get sick, but it's pretty hard. The body's energy is used up to the point where it can barely sustain life.

Tsukiko: I heard about that. It's called magic flu, right? When you regain consciousness, you're as skinny as a mummy.

Washu: That's right. But as soon as the magic organ is formed, the body is strengthened, so your physical condition will be better instead.

Jovia: And, hey, you'll be so hungry, you'll be able to eat as much as you want. And every two hours.

Tsukiko: Seina-chan said that the way the magic organ works changes how long it takes for hunger to settle down. Seina-chan told me that his magic cold lasted for quite a long time. If only I could have been there for him.

Jovia: Well, I'm glad I didn't see him. Maybe he didn't want me to see it either.

Tsukiko: It's that amazing.

Jovia: Yes, it is.

Tsukiko: That's right. It's a new organ in your body, isn't it?

Washu: What's interesting is that the magic organ can't be identified by scientific tests such as CT or MRI. You can see it if you look at it directly.
Tsukiko: It's because we see them as the enemy, right?

Narrator: Long ago, the first contact between the magic civilization and the scientific civilization caused problems, so that if you brought machinery and other things into the magic civilization's world, they would degrade it except for simple machines.

Washu: Machines manufactured in the magic Civilization world don't deteriorate. Still, the energy and control related stuff has to be of magic origin.

Jovia: There's also the fact that the magic civilization itself doesn't need much machinery. There are quite a few things that can be replaced by magic, especially in the medical field.

Tsukiko: Magic itself is a very advanced civilization.

Washu: Every planet doesn't develop anything like a scientific civilization because life is stable thanks to the presence of magic. It's like evolution as biotechnology. Plants and demons also mutate with magic and can be used as various materials.

Track 5
Tsukiko: I was talking about that yesterday, and it was already late at night.

Jovia: That means it was bedtime, right?

Tsukiko: What fun. We didn't have anything to talk about.

Washu: Well, if that's what Tsukiko-dono says, then that's what happened. But did you tell Seina how you feel, Tsukiko-dono?

Tsukiko: That is... Yes, I did. Because if Seina had not gone to space, the hardship that Kiriko is going through now would have been the hardship that I would be going through.

Jovia: Tsukiko is so strange to sulk because she can't do hardship.

Washu: You are an idiot. I mean I was the one who was next to Seina-dono.

Tsukiko: Both of you should stop playing with me.

Washu: I'm not playing with you. Tsukiko-dono is the only one here who can tell you about Seina-dono's position and the possibilities that might have existed. I'm just curious to know how Seina-dono was listening to what you had to say.

Narrator: If Seina had not gone to space, considering his constitution, he might not have been able to go on to higher education or find a job, or even live at home like that. Fearing this, Seina's parents had made plans quite early on to have him live in Masaki's village, or rather Tsukiko's house.

Washu: Kiriko-dono was already in space, and in the future, so would Kai-dono. Only two people would remain in this house, Tsukiko-dono and Seina-dono.

Jovia: Yeah, what's going to happen?

Tsukiko: I'll leave it to your imagination.

Washu: No, sorry, sorry. I mean, that's what you told Seto-dono, right?

Tsukiko: Yes, well. Yes, well.

Jovia: Oh! Not the common sense breaker of the world. Well, if Tsukiko-chi is going to be Seina's watchdog, I think it's good because it's safe and secure.

Narrator: Seina has proved the usefulness of his abilities in Renza following the Galactic Federation. Despite the fact that Seto and her team are holding back, they are still receiving offers of political marriages by the hundred every day. It is said that after seeing Seina's power, there are many people who cannot sleep with their pillows up high unless they become related to him.

Tsukiko: Seina could see that Kiriko was doing her best. It was a good opportunity for that girl to grow up, and I for one think it was a godsend.

Jovia: Which was better for Kiriko, huh?

Tsukiko: The outcome now is Kiriko's choice. I'm sure she feels like she has something to live for now.

Washu: I think it is fortunate that Kiriko and the girls have time to get their systems in place and that Karen and her team are royalty. However, I guess the troublesome approach to Seina-dono will continue.

Tsukiko: I wish I could be there for you, but I've told Seina that I won't say anything about how things are going to be right away.

Washu: I'm going to step in a little bit. Did you tell her about Dai-dono?

Tsukiko: Even Washu-sama would get angry if you heard any more. Kai is independent, and now he is no more than a stranger to me.

Washu: Understood.

Tsukiko: I honestly don't remember what happened after that. I probably fell asleep.

Jovia: You're a good sleeper.

Narrator: Next to Tsukiko's regular sleeping breath, Seina was looking at her profile with nervousness. After all, Tsukiko was supposed to be sleeping soundly, but her hand was firmly holding Seina's hand. Moreover, it was a defenseless sleeping face right after she had clearly expressed her intentions. Could it be that she was doing it on purpose? He had a hunch that she was doing it on purpose. Seina remembered the maverick Kai, counting sheep, and Kiriko's angry face, and managed to fall asleep, surrounded by the smell of his old home.

Jovia: Alright, we're all set. I'm about to leave for my parents' house.

Washu: Oh, by the way, I was interrupting you while you were getting ready Jovia-dono. I completely forgot about it, sorry for interrupting you.

Jovia: What's the matter? The girls' party talk was fun. Let's do it again!

Tsukiko: I'll see you off at the entrance.

Jovia: What is it? Are you really sad that I'm going to be gone for a while, Tsukiko?

Tsukiko: No, I'm just saying that I'm sure everyone has a lot of things to warn you about, and I don't want you to leave on your own before I've told you.

Jovia: Am I a child?

Narrated by Satou Azusa (voice of Masaki Otoka)

If it jams, force it. If it breaks, it needed replacing anyway!

Here is Disk 2.

Tenchi Audio Drama Disk 2
Track 1
Narrator: Original Video Animation. Thank you very much for purchasing Tenchi Muyo Ryo-Ohki, Tenchi Muyo GXP Paradise Startup Volume 2. As in the first volume, I will be facilitating the bonus drama, and have often been told that my voice sounds like Masaki Otoka. What? Do you think I sound like Masaki Otoka herself? Do you think so? I'll leave that to your imagination. Now, let's see. It is dusk, and the western sun is turning the fields of Masaki village into a deep red. Tenchi and Seina are resting in the shade of a tree in the corner of the footpath. Tenchi hands Seina a cup of tea from his water bottle. 

Tenchi: Thanks for your hard work, Seina. Have some tea.

Seina: Thank you very much. It's delicious. It soaks into your body after work.

Tenchi: Yes, it does. So how are you and Miki and the girls doing?

Seina: Everyone seems to be treating them well. They seem to have gotten used to working in the village, and more importantly, I wonder if Yoshiko is causing trouble there.

Tenchi: Hahaha, well, yes.

Seina: I knew it.

Tenchi: But Sasami-chan is very enthusiastic about it. Aeka can't say anything about it.

Seina: I'm so glad to hear that.

Tenchi: We feel responsible for this, but we used to rely on Sasami-chan to do most of the housework.

Seina: I have the impression that you are always busy doing household chores. Especially the cooking.

Tenchi: Since Noike-san came, we have more time to spare, but we have a lot of things to do, though not as much as Seina-kun and his family.

Seina: I'm sorry, I'm sorry I even let you have Yoshiko in such a place.

Tenchi: No, things have calmed down a lot here too. Ryo-Ohki is now able to provide proper assistance, and Rea is here too.

Seina: I guess that's true.

Tenchi: And Sasami and Yoshiko are having a lot of fun. Some of my friends from junior high school have joined us.

Seina: I see. I wish we could sell them, though, considering the quantity and quality of them.

Tenchi: Yoshiko wants to make it one of their hidden gems when she opens the store.

Seina: I see.

Tenchi: There is also the issue of pricing.

Seina: You are thinking about a lot of things, aren't you? I wish I could do something about it. I have a guess, so I think I can probably handle a good number of them there, and I'm sure they'll send me feedback.

Tenchi: Well, that would be great.

Seina: It's my pleasure. It's my family's story.

Tenchi: You are no longer irrelevant.

Seina: Oh, that's right. Yeah, and even after we distributed them all over the village, there's still a stack of crates full of desserts, you know.

Tenchi: I heard that this tray-like wooden box is called "banjyu". Unless you are a vendor, you don't hear that name very often.

Seina: I'd like to learn more about it. But I heard that mass production is a problem, but at this rate, it looks like it will be fine.

Tenchi: I underestimated your seriousness, Sasami.

Narrator: No, the conversation between Tenchi-kun and Seina-chan is very relaxed. The topics are mainly about the village and family, and I can feel the depth of affection between the two of them. Oh, it seems someone has arrived.

Track 2
Tsukiko: Seina-chan, Tenchi-chan, thank you for your hard work.

Seina: Tsukiko-san.

Tenchi: Thanks for your hard work. Are you done with work for the day?

Tsukiko: Yes, Miki and the girls have already left for home. 

Tenchi: Everyone seems to have settled in well.

Seina: The villagers were also surprised at how fast everyone is progressing.

Tsukiko: If you ask them, it's probably not as challenging as dealing with Seina-chan. 

Seina: You could say that.

Tenchi: Don't worry, Seina-kun.

Seina: Please don't gently tap them on the shoulder with a sympathetic smile!

Tsukiko: I know they talked about how well they remembered things, but in the beginning, they also talked about the clothes they were wearing. 

Tenchi: Oh, I heard about that. They were talking about how fashionable and trendy they looked in their circular outfits.

Seina: What is a circular dress?

Tsukiko: It is a work uniform that has the upper and lower parts in one piece. Nowadays, it is more commonly called "Tsunagi". 

Seina: Oh, but that is a work uniform used in the manufacturing department of GP. I was told that it is light gray and mauve and quite plain.

Tsukiko: I guess everything looks fashionable when they wear them. 

Seina: Indeed. Even though they were workers, they looked somehow fashionable. I think there is an imbalance in the way they carry their farming tools and baskets on their backs.

Tenchi: I've heard some people say that's good. The difference between the two is great or something.

Tsukiko: On the first day I taught, I was waved AT by many people. We went to the field early in the morning, so there were a lot of people there. 

Seina: I think people were more surprised that there were so many people in this village.

Tsukiko: In the early morning, the main work is to manage the water in the rice fields and harvest the crops, so the more people we have, the better. 

Tenchi: The crops in this village are for subsistence, so there is very little shipping work. There is a lot more to learn when is comes to shipping.

Tsukiko: Well, they seem to be able to learn without any problem. 

Seina: If you put your stuff in a container, except for the stuff you use at home, you can pick it up later by car. I really appreciate that.

Tenchi: Yes, that's right. The collection shed is small, but it has a roof, so it's okay even if it rains.

Seina: The collected crops will be stored at the village collection point, so if there is a shortage, you can stock up there, right?

Tsukiko: We can go shopping for other daily necessities, 

Seina: Yamada Store also offers delivery service.

Tsukiko: That's right. Seina, I'm not sure, but if you need something suddenly, you can borrow it from your neighbor, or if you need something from the academy, I can forward it to you. 

Seina: That's convenient. Yeah, but you're shipping a little bit of your crops.

Tsukiko: Yes, including a disguise outside the village. 

Seina: That's what my parents used to sell at our house, right?

Tsukiko: Now it's in the form of direct produce in a small corner, and some people in the village are quite serious about it because Tenchi's carrots have a good reputation. 

Seina: Serious about it, huh? Is that something to do with Washu?

Tenchi: On a trial basis. Either way, we're going to seal it off in the future and call it an agricultural experiment station, so we have to build something that's up to snuff.

Seina: Oh, by the way, when I stayed at a house over there, they served me carrot pound cake as a snack, which was excellent.

Tsukiko: Yoshiko is very enthusiastic about her plan for finished products, isn't she? 

Seina: That's right. I see that Yoshiko was also involved in the carrot pound cake.

Tenchi: We are trying our best to come up with special products that are not available in ready-made products.

Seina: So she is involving Sasami and Noike. Is she bothering them?

Tenchi: No problem. Like I said before, Sasami seems to be having fun too.

Tsukiko: Tenchi's home is at a level where what comes is a first-class product. The only thing left is the quantity of production. 

Seina: Well, the production volume is quite high, as far as I'm concerned

Tenchi: I think it's not a problem.

Seina: By the way, why are you here, Tsukiko? Where were you on your way to?

Narrator: Tsukiko puts her hands together in front of her chest and looks as if she just remembered something. Tsukiko, I like that gesture of clasping your hands in front of your chest. I should try to imitate it too.

Track 3
Tsukiko: I totally forgot, Seina-chan, what do you want for dinner? 

Seina: Eh, let's see. No, everything Tsukiko-san makes is delicious, so anything is fine.

Tsukiko: I think "anything is fine" is the most annoying part. 

Seina: Oh, wait. Anything is not good. Anything but curry, please.

Tenchi: Seina, don't you like curry?

Seina: I love curry. But I had curry for lunch today too.

Tsukiko: D-chan was eating curry that she left overnight. 

Tenchi: you mean you had curry last night too?

Seina: Yes, that's right. As expected, let's change it for this evening. No, Tsukiko's curry is delicious, and I love it. But if we don't change it, tomorrow's lunch will be curry too.

Tenchi: As expected, you didn't say curry in the morning either.

Seina: Kiriko-san always eats Japanese food in the morning.

Tenchi: I see, they are fine with Japanese food. Is there anything they can't eat?

Seina: Kiriko-san served them everything, so they are used to it. They eat rice, miso soup, and natto without likes and dislikes.

Tsukiko: That's true. It's good that they can eat anything. Hey? 

Seina: Oh, you mean fish bones.

Tenchi: Fish bones? You don't like those? I hear they tend to get caught in your throat.

Tsukiko: No. They loves fish and bones. 

Tenchi: Even the bones?

Seina: They eat fish bones too, even the ones I left behind.

Tenchi: That is indeed surprising.

Seina: I hear it's so delicious you become addicted to it.

Tsukiko: I heard that they don't do it outside, but I guess they have a thing for fish bones that have been properly baked or dried in the sun. 

Seina: Recently, Kiriko has also served bone-in portions to Miki senpai and the girls. Well, I think it's like biting into a whole dried fish.

Tsukiko: They have bone crackers and things like that, and I think it's good for your health. That makes me smile a little bit. 

Seina: Kiriko said the same thing.

Tsukiko: Oh, yes, and by the way, about dinner, I'm not going to make curry today. 

Seina: Good.

Tsukiko: Or rather, I'm thinking of making something a little lighter. I'm thinking of making something light and refreshing. I'm thinking of fish and vegetables. I don't know. 

Seina: I don't mind, but is there a reason?

Tsukiko: Sasami-chan brought us something for lunch today, didn't she? 

Tenchi: Oh, it was an assortment of sweets that they are making as a secret recipe. I saw her packing them in the morning.

Tsukiko: They were so delicious; we all ate most of them. Please give my best regards to Sasami.

Tenchi: Sure. But that amount of food? And you also had curry for lunch, right?

Seina: On top of that, we also had a lot of fried chicken, fried fish, and vegetable salad.

Tenchi: How did you manage to eat so much? 

Tsukiko: In the afternoon, I basically do the housework, but after eating so many desserts, they feel like they need to help out and get moving. We split up the chores, and it was all over in no time. 

Seina: When they have time, they can go to the village collection point to bag items for sale, put barcodes on price tags, and help manage vouchers on the computer.

Tsukiko: Yes, Miki and her team are fast, accurate, and friendly, and they are very popular with the veteran ladies. I've heard they've been getting more orders. 

Seina: Now is the peak of the peach season. It's a hard time to pack the peaches that are coming in one after another.

Tsukiko: You are used to it, aren't you, Seina? 

Seina: Well, I am used to it, whether I can do it well or not.

Tsukiko: Is that why Nayuta was so good from the beginning? 

Seina: Everyone works competitively, so the work is very efficient.

Tenchi: I'm glad to see that you are adjusting well.

Seina: Yes, it was a little confusing at first, though. There were a lot of unexpected things to remember, like the different colors of containers for shipping and orders from the villagers.

Tsukiko: Like what you buy with points. At first, I explained to everyone that we would share what we picked in the village, but some people said that it might become a lawless zone if we just left it up to the villagers. 

Seina: well, I don't think anyone would do that in this village.

Tsukiko: I think that's true, but sometimes it's easier to systematize it. Even if it's just a pretext.

Seina: It is said that nothing is more expensive than free. How do you accumulate those points? I don't remember saving them.

Tsukiko: Points for helping out at seasonal events and functions. 

Seina: Vague~. I mean, sometimes they are produced instead of points by being sent to that help in the first place.

Tsukiko: Right. So it's kind of the same thing. 

Seina: Tsukiko, you don't really understand it either, do you?

Tsukiko: No, I don't think so. Seina, I don't think so, but you should ask Auntie Akie for more information. 

Tenchi: Well, I would like to participate in helping with events as much as I can, so the points don't really matter.

Tsukiko: That's true. I usually receive a lot of food, so it is rare that I run out. 

Tenchi: I think it's a good thing that the points are sold at a reasonable rate, as long as you don't exceed the point limit by more than a multiple of the point limit.

Tsukiko: That's true. And sometimes it's more helpful to pull them in for village events and ask them to do things for you. 

Tenchi: Seina, you are always like that, aren't you?

Seina: I am used to being worked hard.

Tsukiko: With Seina, there is a good chance that all those girls will be like that too. 

Seina: I don't mind being pushed around. It's nice to be depended on, and I get a break during my 3:00 snack time. Oh, is that what you mean?

Tsukiko: I see you understand, Seina-chan. 

Tenchi: What do you mean by that?

Tsukiko: Everyday at 3 o'clock snack time, you receive something from Sasami-chan, right? It's different from the lunchtime snacks. Today's snack was especially tasty, plentiful, and filling. 

Seina: I guess we all ate too much.

Tsukiko: Yes, we did! 

Tenchi: You can store the uneaten portions in the freezer, right?

Tsukiko: Yes, but everyone in the village told us that "you are young and should do your best to eat it". 

Seina: There is plenty of stock left in that freezer to begin with.

Tsukiko: We even give them to people who work outside of the village to bring to their workplaces, but even so, the stock seems to be piling up faster than we can keep up. 

Tenchi: Well, well, a freezer can hold as much as you want.

Tsukiko: It's a pretty big freezer, but it's not infinite. I think there are plans to import a lot from space, so we want to keep the capacity as high as possible. 

Seina: I was thinking maybe Washu's vault.

Tenchi: I don't think I would recommend that. I'm not sure I'd want to store food in that wretched storage facility.

Seina: I agree.

Tsukiko: I want to eat as much as possible without keeping it in storage, and since it's a prototype for the store, I want to get a lot of opinions from people.

Seina: I'm sure Kensei would love it, but he would only say it's delicious, and his daughter would never eat it, so should I send it to Souren's staff anyway?

Tsukiko: I would be very grateful if you could pick up the excess anyway. 

Tenchi: how much do you have?

Seina: I have more than I can sell.

Tsukiko: So everyone is thinking that dinner can wait. 

Seina: Even Fuku-chan was puzzled and must have been very satisfied. I understand. Let's have a light meal after things settle down a little more. Maybe some ochazuke?

Tsukiko: I think that's too light. At least let me make some bonito tataki. 

Seina: Fish is refreshing, but I think everyone can eat it no matter how full they are.

Tsukiko: Right? If I don't make that much, I don't feel like I made it either. By the way, Seina, did you have an uneventful day today? 

Seina: Yeah, within the village area, Miki senpai and the girl's correction seems to be working. Washu said that as long as Nayuta or Tsukiko are in the village, it's not too much of a problem as far as my parents' house.

Tsukiko: Good to hear. Otherwise, Miki and the girls would be limited to helping out only where Seina is. 

Seina: The other problem is Jovia.

Tsukiko: She should be treated as well as possible. 

Tenchi: I'm sure she is very capable too.

Seina: I am worried that Kai and Yoshiko might get along with her.

Tsukiko: I agree, I think it's dangerous to mix with Kai, let alone Yoshiko.

Track 4
Tenchi: It's getting dark. Shall we call it a day?

Seina: I'll put away the tools.

Tenchi: I'm going with you.

Seina: No problem. I'll be done soon, Tenchi-senpai, please take a rest...ouch!

Tenchi: Oh...

Tsukiko: Are you okay, Seina-chan? 

Seina: Haha, I'm fine.

Tsukiko: I'm already in a panic. 

Tenchi: I think Seina-kun looks the most natural when he is with Tsukiko.

Tsukiko: I wonder if that is true. 

Tenchi: Yes, I feel a sense of security.

Tsukiko: Miki told me that too, and Kirche said she feels the same way. 

Tenchi: I think Seina may still have some reservations about Kiriko and Fuku-chan and the girls. But I don't feel that with Tsukiko.

Narrator: Tsukiko watches over Seina as she quickly cleans up. It's so sweet and sour. No wonder Akie-san says that she thinks Tsukiko-chan is the one who can understand Seina-chan correctly. Oh, I'm also worried that I won't be able to get in while I'm really reserved anymore. You don't have the image of Seina-chan when he was tiny, do you? I know you were thrilled to see that his hands are bigger than yours, and Miki and the others said that Tsukiko is welcome to join us. They all think that Tsukiko-chan is the one who has the capacity to be the human pillar of the group.

Tsukiko: Seina is a lucky girl. It was unthinkable in the past to have so many people who care about her. 

Tenchi: Tsukiko is the only one here who knows that. I just can't fill in the past time with those kids.

Tsukiko: Well, they also understood that Seina is the one who will not allow us to fill the time we are about to fill. 

Tenchi: As expected of the girls who decided to be with Seina-kun.

Tsukiko: I guess I am the one who is confused. 

Tenchi: I think it will be difficult to decide right away. I'm not sure if it is.

Tsukiko: I know, before it's too late. And we have to decide before someone orders us to do something, right? 

Seina: Sorry to keep you waiting. Oh, what were you two talking about?

Tenchi: Nothing.

Seina: I'm curious. If it's nothing, please tell me.

Tenchi: I'm going home then, Sasami-chan is probably waiting for me to make dinner.

Seina: Please wait!

Tsukiko: See you later, Tenchi, take care. 

Seina: Tsukiko too.

Tsukiko: Come on, Seina, let's go home too. 

Seina: Yes, yes.

Tsukiko: what are you upset about, Seina-chan? 

Seina: It's nothing.

Tsukiko: Do you really care that much about what Tenchi and I were talking about?

Seina: I guess so.

Tsukiko: Why? 

Seina: I don't know why, I'm just curious...

Tsukiko: Jealous? 

Seina: no, I'm not!

Tsukiko: What? Are you so different that you're going to deny it with all your might? 

Seina: Well, it's not that.

Tsukiko: Oh, Seina, if you tell me the rest of the story, I'll tell you mine.

Seina: That story?

Tsukiko: About the magic you told me the other day. We were still in the middle of it, weren't we? 

Seina: Oh, that's right. Where were we?

Tsukiko: We were talking about how to use magic on Earth, and we were talking about how you have to create an organ called the Magic organ in your body. I didn't get to hear the end of it because after that they started talking about the symptoms of the magic flu. 

Seina: Yes, that's right. You really like fantasy, don't you, Tsukiko?   

Tsukiko: Yes, it's good, isn't it? 

Seina: Yes! I think it's good. Okay, let's talk about the role of the magic organ. There are two types of magic: mana, which is called external magic, and ena, which is called internal magic, and it is the ena that we can control.

Tsukiko: So mana is something that you can't use? 

Seina: When we take in mana through breathing, it is transformed into ena. It is stored in the magic organ. Once you get used to it, you can use that ena to control the mana to some extent.

Tsukiko: So you can use it on Earth as long as you have ena stored in that magic organ. 

Seina: Yes. I think it is in the "spirit string" storage. So, if the Energies are stored in the Maso organ, it can be used.

Tsukiko: Beautiful! Is this bright red coral? 

Seina: Magic organs contain a substance that stores mana. Of course, it is the same for demons, too, and they harvest it and crystallize it and use it as an auxiliary tank.

Tsukiko: It is like a battery. It's like a common magic stone. 

Seina: Well, it is the same kind of thing.

Tsukiko: Can I use this? 

Seina: As expected, you need to have a magic organ.

Tsukiko: That's too bad. But it's not possible to go to Renza. 

Seina: There is also a space of Magic in the Kamidake, so if you live there for a while, your magic organ will form.

Tsukiko: Really? Then I'll get right on it, 

Seina: Wait a minute. It will take some preparation and time. It will take some time, and the Kamidake is under maintenance right now, so we will have to schedule it later.

Tsukiko: Yes, you're right! I'm looking forward to it! 

Seina: Yes, is this ok?

Tsukiko: What? 

Seina: I told you what you was wondering. Please tell me what you were talking about with Tenchi-senpai earlier.

Tsukiko: Well, I don't know...what should I do? 

Seina: What? Are you going to be reluctant here again? You promised you would tell me.

Tsukiko: Yes, but I didn't say I would tell you right now.

Seina: That's not fair. Give me a hint.

Tsukiko: A hint. I guess so. Was it about Seina?

Seina: What? Tsukiko: I'm curious...do you have such a mean personality?

Tsukiko: Seina, sometimes I feel like teasing you. It's like a small devil attribute that exists in me only a few percent of the time, and it wakes up by accident on rare occasions. I wonder if this is also due to the bias of probability that Seina-chan has.

Seina: Don't make it sound like it's my fault.

Tsukiko: I was joking.

Seina: You can't joke around so happily now, please tell me the answer already.

Tsukiko: Well, I'll tell you sometime.

Seina: When is "someday"? Tsukiko already?

Narrator: I know, Seina, your reaction is so good that I just want to take care of you. I know what you mean. A few days later, Seina returns home after distributing the desserts made by Sasami-sama and others, and meets Jovia-san again, who has returned with some trouble. The problem is that when she returned to her hometown, her true identity was immediately discovered, which is very typical of Jovia. Well, Tsukiko's iron claw exploded in anger, and Jovia's screams echoed throughout Masaki's village. See you again in Volume 3.

If it jams, force it. If it breaks, it needed replacing anyway!

On Thursday I found a guy on Rakuten selling Dai 4 Ki, Volume 2 for 793 yen. The ad said it had the BR and the Drama CD. I figured 793 yen was a cheap gamble and ordered it. It arrived this afternoon and Yup! It's got the Drama CD. Now I need to find the other 3 for a reasonable price. I'll let you know when I get all four and get them posted.

If it jams, force it. If it breaks, it needed replacing anyway!

Quote from: BobSchlotkin on July 19, 2023, 07:36:04 AM
On Thursday I found a guy on Rakuten selling Dai 4 Ki, Volume 2 for 793 yen. The ad said it had the BR and the Drama CD. I figured 793 yen was a cheap gamble and ordered it. It arrived this afternoon and Yup! It's got the Drama CD. Now I need to find the other 3 for a reasonable price. I'll let you know when I get all four and get them posted.


woah 8$? thats cheaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaap
for all my tenchi work go to
Pdfs and audiobooks:
click here

Last night I found Vol 3 for 1100 yen and Vol 4 for 1600 yen.
I might have found Vol 1 for 2600 yen. Not sure if I'll win that or not.

Amazon.jp has Vol 1 for 7800 yen. YUCK!

Dai 5 Ki prices are NUTS! I'm hoping my kid can find them in some of the used shops in Tokyo.
Still on the lookout for the stage show.

If it jams, force it. If it breaks, it needed replacing anyway!

Quote from: BobSchlotkin on July 20, 2023, 04:18:11 AM
Last night I found Vol 3 for 1100 yen and Vol 4 for 1600 yen.
I might have found Vol 1 for 2600 yen. Not sure if I'll win that or not.

Amazon.jp has Vol 1 for 7800 yen. YUCK!

Dai 5 Ki prices are NUTS! I'm hoping my kid can find them in some of the used shops in Tokyo.
Still on the lookout for the stage show.


No need to rush, especially on the snooze fest of ova 4,  do japanese stores do returns lol.  but the GXP ones seem like they could be something important, they however seem to mostly be dumping info for ppl who aren't reading the novels. I'm not a fan of lettign things become lost media though.

for all my tenchi work go to
Pdfs and audiobooks:
click here

Cool stuff. Glad you're finding good prices.

I've got all of Season 4. Total cost, adjusted for exchange rate, $40.

The Drama CDs are long!
Disc 1, 8 tracks, Total   53:02
Disc 2, 8 tracks, Total   1:03:33
Disc 3, 8 tracks, Total   42:15
Disc 4, 7 tracks, Total   47:15

My biggest complaint about the Drama CDs is that the VA's apparently don't give much of a shit. The VA for Akie starts off doing the correct voice, but by the time Disc 2 is complete, she has completely abandoned it. Had a hell of a time identifying who is who.

These are going to take a while!

Still no good prices on Season 5. I'll keep y'all posted when I get 'em.

If it jams, force it. If it breaks, it needed replacing anyway!