Useless Tenchi

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Auir on September 07, 2012, 08:00:43 PM

Title: Anime Conventions
Post by: Auir on September 07, 2012, 08:00:43 PM
Anybody here went to anime conventions before? If so, tell us what you did or who you met. Share with the beginners on how to become veteran conventioners.
Title: Re: Anime Conventions
Post by: Ryokos Stepdad on September 07, 2012, 08:25:44 PM
As a goer of 5 Acens, 1 Youmacon, and an upcoming Nan Desu Kan, I'd like to share the tips with you assuming that you already know you are/can go to a con for a full weekend:

1: PREORDER YOUR ADMISSION. My first Acen was spent mostly in registration line due to computer failures with information being wiped out. Therefore, try to get your badge paid in full way before con time. As an addendum, if they offer mailing, take it. It might cost a few extra dollars but it will save you loads of time at the con.

2: The more the merrier (and cheaper.) Sharing rooms drives the cost down considerably, and also means you can possibly split gas money/carpool, or any other varieties of money saving moves. Always make sure though you get your money/shares, lest there be problems.

3: Hygiene is King. You will walk a ton, you might be sporting an unseasonably warm costume, you might meet a cute guy or girl who gets you sweaty and nervous when you first meet. In any instance, plan on taking time to shower at least once and hit your pits with stink stick.

4: Proper nutrition. An often overlooked part of conventions is the allure of non-nutritious dietary consumables. Though you shouldn't eat like a rabbit, it's not wise stuffing McDonalds down your gullet 3 times a day and downing 4 Monsters each morning.

5: Have fun
Title: Re: Anime Conventions
Post by: Morgeil on September 07, 2012, 08:45:55 PM
I've been going to Anime Weekend Atlanta for the past several years.   Only that one for now, as it's convenient and only a half hour drive from me.

Ryoko's Stepdad covered most of the basics, don't really have anything to add.   Except backpacks are useful, especially if you are buying at the dealer's room and commuting/won't be by your hotel room for a while.   Bring bottled water, you'll be doing a fair bit of walking and you should keep yourself hydrated.

The only major guest of note I've met was Lisa Ortiz a few years ago.   Very bubbly and energetic, a class act.
Title: Re: Anime Conventions
Post by: Auir on September 07, 2012, 08:59:03 PM
Hmm... I have only been to three. Anime Conji, Anime LA, and AM2.
None of these times have I visited for more than 2 days. So I basically survived off of chips, fruit, and 1 hamburger meal at the nearby Carls Jr. Well, here's my small tidbit.

I had no idea what to do there so I pretty much spent like a quarter of my time in the stands and galleries.

Ah, yes. For those of you who have never gone before, don't think that 50$ you're bringing with you will be enough. Bring $100-$200 minimum. There will be so many things you want to buy and can't. And, convention items are usually cheaper than online or instore. I got a Evangelion wallet there for 15$ while it costs 20$ without S&H online. You see something you like, get it. Most likely, it'll be cheaper. 2nd buying tip, do not get any electronics or headphones there. They're horrible and will break in like a month. Unless you want it for cosplay.
(I feel pretty confident about my buying. I usually come home with an armfull of stuff.)

As for food, bring it from your home. Unless you want to spend 8$ on a crepe or 6$ on a hotdog you can get for $1.50 at a 7-11. I usually find a motel/hotel that gives free continental breakfast. Eat like there's no tommorow, pack a bunch of food in napkins for takeout without anyone noticing, and leave for the convention.

Plan accordingly! Look at the schedules. There will be tons of events and panels available and if you don't plan, you'll end up like me spending hours in the stands and galleries.

Hygeine, like what Ryokos Stepdad said is something to look out for. Unless you're like me who don't stink unless you've just run a 25 mile marathon. Still, take your showers. It'll feel alot better. And motel/hotels usually come with free shampoo and soap.

Okay, this section is a preuly asian habit of mine. I'm a scavanger. Anything free, I'll take. Usually there's alot of free anime and game posters they'll give out. Even if you don't know them, hang them on your wall long enough and you'll get around to watching them. Usually, there's a free food section in the convention. Hit there early and repeatedly before all the good stuff gets taken away. Don't make eye contact. If you have different clothing, switch it to avoid glares for going there too many times. If you're poor like me, that's your only source of food. Do what you have to do to survive.

Preordering. Another bonus about preordering is the money you save. Think about it, 10-25$. The money you just saved could be used to buy food for the next three days or that _______ plush doll you always wanted.
Title: Re: Anime Conventions
Post by: Tearatone on October 31, 2012, 04:01:19 AM
Been going to Cons since 2005, been cosplaying since 2006.

My first was Anime Expo 2005, and have yet to miss one since. I have also been going to Fanime since 2007, and a number of other cons too. Let me see... I have been to about 21 conventions and quite a number of gatherings and photo shoots. It seems Stepdad has already informed you on the major tips, so I will skip any advice on those fronts.

Just try to have fun! Really, a smile and an open mind at a convention can make your day really amazing. A lot of people come to a convention to be with other like-minded folk, but not all of them have the willpower or initiation to start a conversation with a friendly stranger. So if you see someone you would like to get to know better, then just say hi! Ask them what their interests are. Don't be a creep, just keep it polite. Don't be uptight, just be relaxed.

My best friends now are all con goers and cosplayers, and I have never been happier with any others. I met them because we were dressed up from the same series, and were able to joke about it with ease. Then lunch rolled around and we all ventured out as a group, keeping up easy conversation. But if you don't want to/care to cosplay, then no worries, half or more of the attendees at anime/comic cons don't play dress up, so you will find plenty of that ilk there as well.

Again, the main thing is to just have fun and be open to making new friends.