Started by takahata, February 10, 2013, 01:19:46 PM

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Last night before Bleach, Toonami announced that the anime series Soul Eater will replacing Samuri 7.  I have been hoping that Cartoon Network would be interested in the series since I read the Otaku USA article on the series. Now, Toonami is going to have the series on 1:00 am.  Soul Eater is one the few Shonen anime series which the leading protagonist is a female. I have seen some episodes on Youtube.  Thes series was definately worth the wait.

:bravo: :Hap:

Yea, my friend has been hounding me to watch Soul Eater FOREVER now, with this news, he knows I have no excuse to procrastinate and will hound the life outta me to watch this, especially since it comes on before GXP....

Damn...oh well, better late than never.

Its a decent show although I couldn't stand blackstar.

The characters were developed.
The story made you question the animes current world structure. (A big plus)
"Power levels" were always in question though.

A good pick for toonami to get back to what made it great.